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Fu Xiangan looked at Xiao Yiyu aggrievedly. It made Xiao Yiyu feel that he made a big mistake by not agreeing to him,

"Xiang'an, you've been drinking too much. Let's discuss this when you wake up."

"No!" Fu Xiangan refused, and then vigorously rubbed his hands rubbed his eyes. Seeing Fu Xiangan trapped in this state, Xiao Yiyu helplessly coaxed and persuaded: "Okay, let's be together, you should go to sleep.

Fu Xiangan immediately smiled, dragged Xiao Yiyu to the bed abruptly, and then went to bed. Go and take off his clothes.

"Hey hey hey!" Xiao Yiyu exclaimed: "Stop, you're going too far!

Fu Xiangan didn't hear Xiao Yiyu's words at all, so he pulled Xiao Yiyu's body and put it on him. The clothes were stripped off one by one and thrown under the bed.

Two buttons were ripped off by him. When his clothes were stripped off, Xiao Yiyu was inevitably nervous, and he couldn't help but suspect that this guy was not trying to pull him to do something excessive tonight. When the strings on Xiao Yiyu's head were tensed, Fu Xiangan suddenly lay on Xiao Yiyu's face. On Yu Yu's body, he didn't move. Xiao Yiyu pushed him with his hand and said, "Xianan, get up, you are too heavy, you are almost out of breath when you press on me."

The man who was pressing on Xiao Yiyu did not move.

Xiao Yiyu pushed him twice, the man still didn't move, Xiao Yiyu couldn't help but use all the power of sucking, and the man who was pressing on him finally rolled, from his roll onto the bed . Taking a closer look, Fu Xiangan's eyes were closed, his breathing was even, and he was already asleep. Xiao Yiyu breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the man lying next to him with his eyes closed and no wrinkles, Xiao Yiyu fell into a sad thought "010, Now Xiangan regards me as a life-saving straw. I think if it goes on like this, he will definitely want to fall in love with me. 010: "Every time you put your finger in Fu Xiangan's mouth while he is asleep, I know that There will be such a day. Anyway, don't you like men? Fu Xiangan is so handsome, so you can accept him. When Xiao Yiyu looked at Fu Xiangan's handsome face thoughtfully, Fu Xiangan, who was clearly asleep, touched his side with his hand. When he didn't touch anyone, he suddenly opened his eyes in panic and saw Xiao Yiyu sitting there. Beside him, he closed his eyes again with peace of mind and slowly, stretched out his long arms, hugged Xiao Yiyu tightly in his arms, and muttered softly, "Brother, don't leave me behind. ' Xiao Yiyu listened to 101 and continued: "Master Xiao, I used the time you were in a daze to bring up the experience of Fu Xiangan in the last life. Would you like to take a look?" 41013310=

"Okay." As soon as the voice fell, a lot of plot data were all thrown into the sea. Xiao Yiyu saw that Fu Xiangan originally grew up in the deep mountains. Due to the abnormal weather this year, Fu Xiangan in the deep mountains was directly hatched by the hot weather. After hatching, Fu Xiangan, who looked like a baby, was brought home by a young couple. The young man had never raised a child, but he also adopted Fu Xiangan for a year. He found that the child was too weird and too fast. quick. At that time, because they had feelings for this little child, the young couple suppressed their psychological fear and continued to raise him until they raised Fu Xiangan until he was five years old. The ischemic Fu Xiangan obeyed his body's instinct and sucked a lot of blood in one breath from the adoptive mother who gave him the medicine, and directly sucked the adoptive mother unconscious. The adoptive father took Fu Xiangan out of the house with a broom and scolded him as a monster. After that, the adoptive parents quickly moved out of the house. discarded. He began to absorb human blood willfully during ischemia, until more and more people were sucked into mummified corpses. Finally, he was arrested for scientific research, and finally, at the expense of the blood race, he froze the entire planet. Human Xiao Yiyu understands the meaning of 010. If he does not agree with Fu Xiangan, or dislikes him, Fu Xiangan may do the same thing as before. His mission to save the plane will fail 100%. The more Fu Xiangan knew that he was a monster and felt insecure, the more he should stay by his side. Xiao Yiyu didn't intend to leave Fu Xiangan at first, but he really didn't think about dating him before. Xiao Yiyu lowered his head and looked at Fu Xiangan, who was holding himself tightly in his arms, as if he was his life-saving straw, and reached out to caress his frown, hoping to ease his frown a little. Light shining brightly into the room. Xiao Yiyu woke up in a warm embrace.

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