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The watermelon bought by Zhang Chedong, the Minister of Technology, was quickly sent to Xiao Yiyu. Xiao Yiyu took a bite and felt that it was not as sweet as the watermelon that summer.


In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Chedong, the director of the technical department, and all 35 staff members of the technical department sat neatly in the conference room and waited.

Xiao Yiyu sat in the least conspicuous corner of the conference room. If possible, he hoped that Zhou Qin could ignore him directly like the day of the interview.

Nine ten.

With the laughter of Huang Chan, the general manager of Tianqi Company, Zhou Qin rushed into the door of the technical room meeting room after the leaders of Tianqi Company.

Zhou Qin just stepped into the conference room with one foot, and the warm applause sounded instantly.

The eyes of everyone in the conference room fell on Zhou Qin, who was in a suit and leather shoes.

The head of the technical department greeted him and said, "Boss, you are welcome to come and inspect the work."

Zhou Qin nodded slightly, then glanced at all the technicians in the conference room.

Xiao Yiyu didn't want to be discovered by Zhou Qin, so he kept his head down, but even so, he could feel Zhou Qin's gloomy gaze on him...

It felt like he was being stared at by hunters. Yes, there is a suffocating sense of oppression.

010 joined in the fun: "The time his eyes stayed on you was 0.3 seconds, and the time his eyes stayed on other employees was about 0.3 seconds. He probably didn't recognize you!"

No one knew at this time . At this moment, Xiao Yiyu's whole body was stiff, his palms were sweating, and he was so nervous that he couldn't hear what the people around him were saying.

This situation continued for a while, until Zhang Chedong, the Minister of Technology, raised his voice and said, "Okay, please speak to the boss." The

warm applause pulled Xiao Yiyu back to his senses.

Zhou Qin spoke while staring at him, his voice calm and steady: "Hello everyone, I'm Zhou Qin." At this point, he paused.

Hearing these words in Xiao Yiyu's ears, it seems that the word "Zhou Qin" is particularly emphasized. Even Xiao Yiyu thinks that Zhou Qin is specifically emphasizing the name "Zhou Qin" for himself, and even Xiao Yiyu feels that Zhou Qin didn't finish his words at all, he should say:

I'm Zhou Qin, Xiao Yiyu, we meet again!

Xiao Yiyu's hands and feet were cold.

The entire conference room was still full of applause.

After Zhou Qin said a few words briefly, he pointed at a technician at random and asked about the software development status of the technician.

Xiao Yiyu didn't pay attention to what Zhou Qin said to the technician. He was full of only one thought. He couldn't see me, couldn't see me, couldn't see me...

Xiao Yiyu was pushed by his colleague Xiao Zhang. A moment: "Xia Xiaohui, the big boss called you to come out and introduce the software development situation! Why are you still standing stupidly?"

Xiao Yiyu looked at Xiao Zhang blankly, and Xiao Zhang repeated the question again, only to realize that everyone in the conference room --Including Zhou Qin's eyes are focused on himself.

Zhou Qin's eyes were extremely indifferent, and his expression did not contain any emotion.

Xiao Yiyu raised his head and looked at Zhou Qin. When the two of them looked at each other, his mind went blank.

Zhang Chedong, the technical department, was a bit hated that iron was not steel, and said with a smile on his face: "Xia Xiaohui, the boss asked you to report the development progress of our 'Mitu' software to him."

"Oh, good! Xiao Yiyu walked to the front of the conference room with heavy steps, inserted the USB flash drive into the computer, opened the prepared ppt, and then started to introduce the specific development of "Mitu". , so that I was fully prepared, and I barely finished reading the content on the ppt smoothly.

During the whole process of Xiao Yiyu's presentation of the ppt, Zhou Qin's facial expressions were like ice cubes, without any temperature.

Xiao Yiyu unplugged the ppt from the computer socket, and was about to walk to his seat when he heard Zhou Qin's question: "Introduce yourself briefly!"

Xiao Yiyu wondered if Zhou Qin did it on purpose. At the moment, I can only answer, saying: "My name is Xia Xiaohui, I am 28 years old and graduated from the Department of Computer Science of Changhe University. I used to work in Amanda Technology Co., Ltd., and on the 15th of last month, I moved to Tianqi to work. Well... no... ..."

Xiao Yiyu didn't dare to peek at Zhou Qin's expression, so he asked 010 to help.

010 said: "Zhou Qin's expression did not fluctuate in any way."

"What made you choose Tianqi Company?" Zhou Qin asked casually.

"Yes... As we all know, Tianqi is the best company in China to make this kind of software. People are going to the top, and I aspire to have a longer-term development in this company."

It is impossible to answer such a cliché as Xiao Yiyu. Any reaction, as expected, he continued to ask: "28 years old, are you married?" As soon as the

question came out, Xiao Yiyu couldn't control his behavior, raised his head in astonishment, and looked at Zhou Qin.

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