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It's been around 3 rough hours of pure tears and comfort. Jeongin cuddling as unbelievably close as possible if it meant feeling some warmth for once..yes they were indeed cuddling, a very odd sighting and something new in general, but it was purely just perfect in the moment being so.

Jeongin did infact enjoy laying in the arms of the taller, not really used to slouch comfort but it was genuinely nice to receive it..especially after such a long night, and even the thought of Hyunjin not daring to shut his eyes close, it was somehow both awful and amazing for Jeongin.

He hated feeling so stupid and hopeless in every choice he made, and in everything he did in general. But he just loved how Hyunjin always seemed to have his back, even without dropping him straight to the dirt. Sure he didn't exactly understand the original meaning of it, but kindness doesn't always come with a meaning other than just wanting to be kind. And Hyunjin was indeed the definition of kind, he was nice, gentle, and patient.

Jeongin genuinely believed that wasn't why he was thrown to the ground immediately. Hyunjin had a heart that was willing to give and accept changes, he had a patient mind that understood well. Hyunjin definitely was a big change for Jeongin, a good one to be exact. And Jeongin definitely needed someone who took their time understanding him, especially his stupid little acts..and Hyunjin being that person was more than great.

"Mind telling me now?" Hyunjin whispered quietly, his breath hitting Jeongin's neck as he spoke.

Jeongin really didn't know if he was on the level of trust with Hyunjin to share how he felt. He really incredibly longed for someone to listen, but he hated judgement, and feared receiving it. So he stayed neutral, not wanting to be misunderstood, just heard.

"I..I really don't think I can tell you any of the things that goes on inside of my head..atleast not for now" Jeongin spoke, voice small as he hoped Hyunjin wouldn't get offended, which was very unlikely but he never knew.

"That's alright, but just remember you shouldn't be scared to approach me for help..".

The silence filled up the room after that, leaving the two males to just simply lay silently, embracing each other which still felt odd but nice at the same time.

Jeongin could hear the slow breaths escape Hyunjin's lips, the breath tracing gently on his neck in a form of way that made a tinted blush appear on the boy's cheeks. He didn't exactly know why, but it felt nice so he subconsciously moved a tiny bit closer, enjoying the grounded feeling of having someone near him.

The night went by slowly, but the sun definitely soon shone right back inside the room. Surprising the two boys who laid in silence, just focusing on cuddling and being in their own little heads. Finding it way more comforting to do so.

As for Hyunjin, the only reason he actually came inside the room to begin with, was to go grab a hair tie, but suddenly there was something much more important who needed him, and he was more than happy to give him all that comfort and affection.

"Get some sleep, I'll stay right beside you don't worry" Hyunjin whispered dropping his hand to the younger's waist and resting it there.

The start of this new month have been going shit, I hate everything rn..but oh well, atleast I can read and write some chapters, which are my current safeplace.

RosemaryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon