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"Hyunjin?" Jeongin called out to the male beside him, who walked in silence followed by deep thoughts.

The day spend with Felix was fun in Jeongin's opinion, but Hyunjin didn't quite seem satisfied. He wanted to know what was going on in the latter's head, especially considering the fact that the taller has indeed been quiet since they talked about that stupid Rosemary thing.

To begin with Jeongin wasn't curious at all, that was until Hyunjin described his hatred towards the Rosemary, and why none of his kind supported it, even daring to repeat the words Hyunjin spoke. "History should never repeat itself". It genuinely made Jeongin wonder, especially considering that he gave no interest in it to begun with.

But that surely has changed.

Hyunjin simply hummed in response, kicking some rocks that laid on the gravel ground. Head ha going low as he clearly thought about the argument between him and Felix.

Of course they didn't directly yell at each nor show signs of anger. But Jeongin could ferl Hyunjin getting pressed over Felix attempt in changing the tallers mind.

"What is the Rosemary?" Jeongin spoke, hands in his pockets as he slipped his tired and still slightly injured ankle against the ground, loving the slowly growing pain it brought along.

"Can't we take this talk another time, I can't right now" Hyunjin spoke, tired and exhaustion lingering in his voice, eyes darting to the sound of feet dragging the dirty ground, eyes furrowing at whatever Jeongin was doing. "Don't do that, your gonna worsened your injury" He spoke, stopping the younger in his tracks.

"but why do you avoid it so much? Is it really that hard to answer?" Jeongin questioned him, letting Hyunjin hold his own head up to not break down right there and then. He was never pressured but this situation sure did pressure him.

"The Rosemary has nothing to do with my kind anyway, ask Felix if your so desperate to know" Hyunjin spoke, avoiding speaking about that stupid Rosemary.

Jeongin felt himself frown, stopping in his tracks once again as he looked at Hyunjin's walking figure, he didn't particularly walk fast, so catching up was no problem..but Jeongin still felt offense, mainly because Hyunjin wouldn't open about whatever the Rosemary indeed was, and was rather avoiding his questions.

"Can't you atleast tell me the basics? It's not like I truly care about the history between your kind, and that Rosemary..I just wanna know since I was brought into you're stupid conversation!" Jeongin spoke a bit harsh, catching up with the older who silenced himself, clearly not wanting to speak about it, and it was passing Jeongin off. "I'll sleep outside all night if you don't atleast try to explain it to me" He finished off, letting his stubbornness take control of him.

"No you're not, I'm not letting you sleep outside during hunting season for vampires. Second of all, I'll explain tomorrow, please let me rest a bit first..third, what you said actually hurted me, the history between my kind and that stupid Rosemary is very important incase you actually wanna know about my kind" Hyunjin spoke, reaching far the door handle before pushing the door open.

"I still don't think it's fair your not telling me. I wasn't originally interested, but you said something that made me curious!".

"Jeongin, just get inside" Hyunjin spoke, looking at the clearly tired boy who had his arms crossed, as if he was an 8 year old wanting ice cream but isn't allowed too. "It's still cold and it's hunting season".

"I don't care..why did you get so pressured when Felix said he wanted to take me!" Jeongin spoke in pure frustration.

He really wanted to know, he knew he was acting immature and stupid..but he couldn't understand how hard it was for Hyunjin to talk about.

"Jeongin-" Hyunjin attempted to approach but just got an annoyed boy in response.

"No" Jeongin stomped, sitting himself on the small stairs, back facing the taller as he ignored his words.

All Jeongin needed was to be in his own head for awhile, finding it difficult to listen to the taller speak.

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