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The next morning Jeongin woke up to the feeling of warmth engulfing his body, the feeling of laying against something soft and neat, the feeling of the sun hitting his face gently as it awoke him up from his slumber.

He eventually opened his eyes with a frown displayed on his face, confused as to where he was. Taking in every bit of his surroundings was the least he could do, the foreign place wasn't recognizable, so he definitely did not know the person who brought him here.

The room was pretty small, but very well decorated to say atleast. It had a big window which the bed he sat on stood up against, a bunch of plants that legitimately seemed to be annoyingly everywhere, and a small table with a sage green chair located by a much smaller window furthest away from the door.

Pretty neat and cozy to say atleast.

But that was the least Jeongin could think about. There was a pounding in his head that wouldn't go away, his foot hurted like fucking hell, and he still felt dirty despite being in a pretty clean room.

He was so confused as to why someone would care enough, to take a stranger with them home..sure it may be the sake of saving him from a bunch of wild animals, but really, it only made him feel confused at the lack of knowledge as to wherr he was located.

He could be miles away from where he collapsed, he could be a whole town if not city away. Also why couldn't the person just bring him to the hospital? When he already was injured, and legitimately found collapsed on the ground?

It just didn't add up at all.

While he was busy in his own mind, debating how to feel about this, and what to do in such situations. He didn't exactly feel thankful, he felt threatened, but a thank you was the least he could say right? Even if it wasn't sincere.

"Oh I see your awake, that's good" a voice spoke from behind him, surprising him just the slightest bit as he turned around, to make eye contact with the person who sort of saved him.

Jeongin took a brief moment to simply analyze how the latter was like. So his eyes darted away from his eyes, to the rest of his features.

He was a tall male, long brown hair and had extremely delicate, soft but yet fierce facial features.

"Where am I?" Jeongin was eventually quick to speak, not daring to stand up for the sake of his injured foot, so he waited patiently for an answer.

He never waited patiently..atleast not usually. He was used to never really getting a response when he spoke unless when he disobeyed, or said and did something that could hold some consequences.

But usually patience wasn't a word in his vocabulary.

"Oh I apologise..your in my house, I saw you just laying numb on the ground this early morning, so I decided to just impulsively take you in" He smiled gently, but Jeognin wasn't in much delight.

"And you couldn't have called for professional help instead? Like an ambulance or the hospital" Jeongin spoke, not meaning to come across as rude.

"Called? I'm sorry, but you were sleeping on the cold and wet ground after a stormy night..we don't have a hospital here, only a small clinic..most of us goes to witches like me for help with health.." He spoke, taking a seat on the bed by the end of it.

Jeongin felt himself get dazed by the explanation. No fucking hospital only a clinic? Fucking witches? Yeah he must definitely still be asleep to hear such weird things escape a person's mouth.

And he couldn't really help the laugh he struggled to hold back, yes let it be confusing..but it was quite funny how he addressed himself as a witch.

"I'm sorry is just..that, a witch, a fucking witch?" Jeongin spoke, wanting to see if he heard right or if his mind just fucked with him.

"Your not from around here, are you?" He spoke, not really taking offense to Jeongin's obnoxious words, assuming it must be confusing for him to process all of this.

Jeongin just frowned, thinking deeply. All he could remember was walking around town with his family, only for them to all suddenly dissapear one by one, claiming they were going to visit some stores..and before he knew it he was alone, cold in the fucking woods and laying on the ground with an injured ankle.

"No shit, I'm not familiar with anything on this stupid fucking mountain..all I know is that I'm on a bed, not knowing where the fuck I actually am, but all I need is my phone so I can call for help" Jeongin spoke, completely losing his cool, as he thought of whatever that happened that could led up to this exact moment.

He also realised right in that moment that he left that stupid piece of an object in the car, giving him absolutely no chances to call for help.

"Your in Glassglow a town located deep inside of the mountain..we don't have such things as phones nor signal here" He spoke seeming confused as to where this boy even belonged too.

Jeongin just processed the information, trying to remember which city his parents were buried in.

"The last place I remember being was a town with the name Raymonden" Jeongin shook his head.

The headache was getting worse, but he had to eventually bare with it anyways, all he needed to know was how to come back home safely, even though that was probably the last place he wanted to be right now.

"I'm surprised you've reached so far actually..Raymonden is not only miles but also hours away from here..".

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