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Jeongin woke up later that evening on the couch, the cat still laid and purred on his torso, and was curling itself up more and more as time went by. Jeongin looked up as the soft smell of coffee and rain mixed together, the sound of the heavy rain hitting the windows had disturbed his precious little nap, and was also disturbing him a bit now. The rumbling of the sky could be heard too, quite clear.

It was no wonder that it was indeed quite stormy this evening. Jeongin curiosity peeked when the sound of a toasted going off..he stood up as he held the cat close to his chest..he wondered if Hyunjin had retrieved back home after the small trip to the store earlier today..or if he was indeed stuck due to the weather.

He turned right into the kitchen as he lifted his gaze from the cat to the person standing in front of him, back facing him as he seemed to be cutting something.

"Hyunjin?" Jeongin called out quietly..the person in front of him didn't look like Hyunjin.

The person had brown short hair, definitely smaller than Hyunjin, his shoulders were broad and waist wasn't as slim..Jeongin breath hitched when the person placed the knife on the counter, turning around to look at Jeongin with fierce piercing eyes.


"Hi Jeongin" the man greeted carefully, taking out his hand for a shake.

Jeongin took his time to analyze the man in front of him..he wondered who he is and how he knew his name, he wondered what he was doing in Hyunjin's home all alone, acting like lived here.

"Who are you?" He spoke in a small voice, eye dropping to the ground..looking at the man's shoes that he still wore.

The man just smiled before turning around, humming to a song he couldn't recognize. Jeongin was beyond confused..he felt freaked out as to why there was a stranger in Hyunjin's house, that knew his name even though he surely never spoken to him before.

"I asked you a question" Jeongin spoke more stern, watching as the man only chuckled with a smile on his face again. Jeongin wanted a closer look on the guy..to see him fully again.

"Hyunjin should be back soon" He spoke, continuing to cut whatever he was actually cutting.

The said fruit or vegetable was dark red, the inside was a bloody red color that was very thin and runny..he wondered what it really was, he couldn't exactly smell it, but the man was seeming to enjoy a small bite of it.

"What even is that?" Jeongin frowned, carefully stepping closer to get a better look. Just as he stood beside him, an awful smell of metal hit his nostrils, making him cringe from the horrible smell of the fruit.

"Plasma fruit" He spoke simply, squeezing the running liquid into the glass beside him, filling it up with a dark red color that smelled fucking disgusting.

Plasma...Plasma...blood? Jeongin gagged, watching as the man slowly took a big gulp from the glass. He was utterly disgusted by the act and only scuttered away from the said man, holding his nose to keep the horrible smell away.

It all started to piece together. Plasma fruit, plasma is blood..he drank the blood..."you are a fucking vampire?!" Jeongin exclaimed loudly, backing away as he hit the round table behind him, hitting a vace as it fell to the ground..unfortunate for him, he accidently got cut on one of the pieces..causing him the wince. "Fuck".

"Now that was a reaction..little human" He chuckled, turning around to place the cup down.

Jeongin was busy holding onto the wound, keeping it from bleeding. He cursed under his breath as he started to grab paper towels, but it kept bleeding.

"You cut pretty deep huh? Hyunjin must have forgotten to mark the calender, how sad" the man spoke, taking a seat as he watched the small boy attempt to stop his bleeding..chuckling as he shook his head. "Pathetic little human..can't understand why I'm even spearing your life right now".

This was so inconvenient, Jeongin didn't need this right now...he had such a peaceful day, hoping it'll turn out great, that Hyuniin arrived home, made warm chocolate and red books together..but he was currently holding his bleeding hand, attempting to stop the insane bleeding as there was a fucking vampire behind him, laughing at how pathetic he was.

"I wonder how it feels to bleed...never really tried it..I tasted it, but nothing similar to vampire blood" He spoke, standing up as he grabbed the boyhad and pressed his own hard onto it. "Our blood is purple and sour, it doesn't hurt when getting stabbed..kind of..boring right? We may not be immortal, but we surely live centuries..how old are you again?" He spoke, keeping the boy steady under his gaze.

"17...maybe 18 I don't remember" He quietly said, sitting down on one of the chairs, letting the man press the living hell out of his hand.

"I'm 199 years old, I'm turning 200 this October..ironic right? October, Halloween..im a vampire" He shook his head.."stupid holiday".

Jeongin looked down, scanning his surroundings, there was blood all over..the cabinets was open, and glass littered the floor.

"I like Halloween.." He mumbled, looking up at the vampire.

"Of course you do..you're not a disgusting, scary creatures that sucks innocent peoples or animals blood for survival..you don't know how it feels knowing there are holidays made up to look as hideous and disgusting as possible, or being scary and feared..one of which having to represent you" The man spat, looking at Jeongin in the eyes..flashing red before looking back down on his hand.."I can smell Hyunjin..he isn't far".

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