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The pounding of his heart when he stood outside her door, Felix was seated on a small chair, impatient with the younger's slowness. He didn't want to comment so he kept quiet, but his tension could be felt.

"I hate you" Jeongin spoke before he entered the room. Closing the door behind him as he stood quietly, looking at the wooden floor, rather than the woman who sat by the desk infront of him.

He didn't know if he was about to mess something up again, or if he'd be able to actually find satisfaction with the answer..all he knew was that his biggest wish, was indeed to find somewhere peaceful to settle down.

"My child..take a seat darling..and talk to me" the woman spoke, encouraging the younger to lift his head up, and take a few steps towards the desk, a chair seated opposite from the woman, who gestured for him to settle down. "The plant you've picked..is very special..I only planted a few of these rare ones years ago" the woman spoke, taking the pot out of the younger's hands as she examined it.

"I..don't know what I should have done with it..it just seemed to stand out a lot, that it catched my attention" Jeongin spoke quietly as he leaned against the chair a bit.

"You and Felix aren't great friends hm? Am I right my darling?" She spoke, as she put the plant back down in the table.

Jeongin gave a silent nod, not wanting to lift his eyes up from the desk. He started to doubt whether if thus was a good idea. Whether if this was the right thing to do.

"The plant you picked always says something about you..I can tell you are a very closed off person, who doesn't let people close to your heart with ease, the many sharp thorns indicate exactly that..and assuming by the you managed to plug it, even though it may have hurted you..you want someone to be determined enough to not give up on you, to not let you go even after you countlessly pushes them away" the woman spoke, pointing at the specific places she mentioned with a ball pen, eyes looking up to meet Jeongin's.

Jeongin let the woman explain stuff about him, that he wished people for a long time ago, would've have noticed. He knew it took time for him to trust other people, and that also meant closing himself off until he could trust them enough to even tell them his favorite hobbies. It was indeed something he struggled with when attending school, he was quiet and always left out, simply because he lacked great communication skills.

"The Rosemary is very young..usually that would mean the person who picked it, had a rather childish mindset, instead of an elder or mature mindset. But because the Rosemary is protected by so many big and small thorns, I believe it's an different case with you. This makes me feel like you ought to be protected, since you've never received any of it when you were younger..you've may have been prone to sudden neglect as a child, that had left you to build a big wall to prevent people to get inside you..your stubborn mindset haven't seemed to change on bit, but it doesn't need to change in you know how to handle it" she continued, pointing out certain parts of the stupid plant that has cause wounds to form on his hands.

"Well..I've never really been appreciated..everyone has given up on me, even before I developed a horrible attitude" Jeongin spoke scratching his nape, causing a red mark to appear. "I've been alone most of my life, while I've been surrounded by people who didn't give a fuck about me..that led me to always criticize people back, thinking that was the best way of protecting myself..I was wrong".

"Who taught you that was wrong?" The woman smiled, watching as the boy easily felt at peace in her presence.

"H-hyunjin..he..he didn't give up on me at all...even when I called him names, disrespected him, ran away, and even physically pushing him away in arguments..he never required an apology, he never required anything from me, other than to stay calm so I wouldn't injure myself..he was the one..who made me feel happiness, as if my life was complete..but.." Jeongin spoke, ranting about Hyunjin felt great..even though he knew that the core probably wouldn't like to here about him.

"But you two..aren't mean to be?" The woman spoke with a soft smile, seeming interested with the younger's words.

"Yes..wait how did you know?" Jeongin asked, confused as to how she knew about the relationship. He swore he could remember Felix bringing that part up.

"Darling..I can see everything and sense everything..you are madly inlove with the man..but to clarify, I know for sure that nothing better awaits you than him..but darling, I would love you to go back and stay with him forever..but it won't work out under the circumstances..when I first met Hyunjin, I knew he was a different man..he was different from other witches and held a very nice helping hand..so I gave him a curse that would affect him late on..when I cast curses..I can't control how bad they are, only when they hit you..Jeongin.." She trailed off, holding the boy's hands tightly in hers.

Jeongin was afraid of what to come..he had a feeling of what she was about to say..he knew it, just by the look in her eyes. She glanced at the plant,.the white flowers catched her eyes.

"My darling..I'm so sorry..you've been through to much, but sadly has to go through so much more" She spoke her eyes kept on the white flowers of the plants. "You are indeed..the curse I've casted..a human to come love a witch, they bonded to an extreme pleasure..but it is not meant to be, cause you carry the curse that you will pass onto Hyunjin..I apologize my darling..I do" she spoke to the quiet boy, who seemed to have expected those words.

"It's fine..I expected it...I ruin everything anyways..I just want to find my peace, once this shit is over and when I leave..I'll find a place far from everything and everyone, and settle down..I'll make sure not to hurt more people..".

"I'm afraid..darling, I'm scared for you're future..a young boy has never received white five petals flowers on their Rosemary before..but I think you will receive your peace soon darling..".

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