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Jeongin hated feeling so miserable. It's been a week since he came back, and things were back to normal..well somewhat. He had trouble moving, so Hyunjin had to help him a lot, he would  also receive daily massage since it was supposed to help with his injuries. Sure it was painful, and he hated to say it..but it actually worked. His hip ached less, and the bruise wasn't that bad anymore, sure it was visible, but that was it.

On the other hand, Hyunjin never got tired of helping Jeongin. He wanted the boy to grow fully prepared again, and healthy so that he could move and sprint like every other teenager should be able too. So helping was something Hyunjin was more than delighted to.

"Hyunjin?" Jeongin called out as he sat himself up on the couch, putting the book he held in his hand away on the coffee table.

Yes, he was indeed reading, And to be honest he never thought he would. but he found interest in a lot of them, and even found himself not wanting to put down the piece of object time to time, especially when chapter got interesting.  He enjoyed how he got into a new world, somewhere he didn't need to worry about. It made him feel refreshed and new, and it was certainly better than any TV show in the world.

"Yes?" He responded as he quickly glanced at him from the floor.

He was re-potting a new plant he had managed to grow from another plant, as he made sure to detangle the roots first, and put in the right amount of dirt. It amazed Jeongin how much the tear actually care about his plants. And he even managed to count all the plants yesterday, and he honestly lost count, there was hundreds of them, no kidding. But Jeongin had grown a liking to them too.

"Can we got outside in the garden?" Jeongin questioned, wanting to feel the nice weather outside.

It was a bright and sunny day, and the temperature had gotten warmer as spring has finally arrived properly, and saying goodbye to moody days with rain and snow.

"Sure, I'll need a break too, I'll go and spread the carpet out, then prepare food to eat" Hyunjin agrees, loving the idea of going outside and getting warmed up by the bright sun.

That too, but also the feeling of using the garden for more than his crafts. Now that Jeongin was here he had the option to use the garden as a place to relax and have fun together, and even at night they once went up to the small balcony, that was placed on the very top of the house, to look at stars.

So of course a lot of things had changed, and even Jeongin seemed to adapt to the place quite frankly. He had no issues and wasn't exactly speaking rudely or having a bad attitude, he stayed quiet half of the time, and would mainly speak to Hyunjin if he had something on mind.

Sure he wanted to be able to just simply have long tks about the dumbest things, but he knew their friendship wasn't at that level yet, so doing that would be quite weird considering they barely knew each other.

Which of course was something they were improving at. Hyunjin got to learn a lot already, mainly what Jeongin likes, for an example, he doesn't like bananas, and prefer strawberries, his not a fan of  mushrooms, despite Hyunjin always cooking mushroom soup.

But it made him happy to know those information about Jeongin. It truly did.

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