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"Come on Jeongin" Hyunjin softly yelled after him, watching as Jeongin came out from the kitchen, with a small pastry snack in his hands.

He hurried on putting his shoes on, and didn't mind borrowing a jacket since it was nice and warm outside. It was Sunday today, and it was today they had to deliver the medicine that could possibly help Chan's wife from the sickness.

Hyunjin was glad Jeongin wanted to tag along, even though they will be entering the vampires territory and house, but to say, Chan promised to never lay a hand on the boy. So Hyunjin was confident to bring the younger along, though it took some time to actually make the younger want to go..and that time he spend on bribbing the younger with freshly baked pastries..which was why he spend half of his time getting ready in the kitchen.

"You got some icing on your nose" Hyunjin commented, taking steps towards the younger as he wiped the said icing of the younger's nose. The younger clearly blushedbat their distance, before pushing by Hyunjin, who only chuckled in response.

They exited the house and Hyunjin led the way. Jeongin's thoughts were practically exploding inside of his head..it's been a while since his been out in the forest..especially going quite far away from home. So he held onto Hyunjin's hands tightly, trying to disturb his own thoughts from appearing.

The walk was said to take quite a while, but Jeongin didn't mind it, especially considering that he had a basket filled with pastries in his hands, walking beside Hyunjin as if he were a little child. Jeongin thought about a lot of things on the walk, one of which included his life.

He couldn't help it. He rarely thought about it anymore, but he couldn't help the thoughts that appears to be breaking down the small wall he build to prevent them from coming, to take over.

He wondered how Seoul was..he remembered spending hid life on his phone, which he obviously spend with Hyunjin, books and whatever seemed to pop up in Glassglow. He knew his life was horrible back then, but he sometimes can't help but miss it..sure it's not often, so it's obviously nothing to worry about..but he still felt homesick, even though he didn't belong anywhere at the moment, but with Hyunjin.

The bad thing was that he also missed his parents, he wondered if it was possible to travel to the town they're buried in..or I'd Hyunjin would completely cut that idea off.

Sure Hyunjin gave a lot of freedom to the younger..he wasn't a captive or anything, but he was still unfamiliar with the area..heck the whole mountain, so he often recommended the younger to not leave hime without him, and even if they did leave together..it shouldn't be too far away.

So Jeongin immediately let go of that thought. He could barely even remember how his parents looked like. All he remembered was her mom burned off, platinum blonde hair, that definitely couldn't be helped. Hair red lips, and her stupid cigarettes.

He remembered his own father much more. His classic suit even though his job was being a "cleaning lady" for rich people, to get paid the smallest bit if money..which mom used half of on cigarettes.

His aunt and uncle he do remember clearly..and he hated that. His Aunt with her long brown, almost black hair, that was always tied up..her old dresses that were ripped or had spots of variations of food heck perhaps blood and sperm. She did have pretty eyes, but her wrinkles ruined them day by day. She didn't smoke, but she did wear a heavy ounce of make up on her face.

His uncle, was far older and wrinkly. He had Grey hair which was almost fallen off, his beard not shaved and mostly cutted in. He was big and round, and smoked too many cigarettes. Sometimes blowing it in Jeongin's face when he was younger.

Nothing could describe his loving hatred for his family..sure they held him close, but they couldn't wait to drop him..which they somewhat did. He was sure a celebration was held that day he got lost in this mountain, but he no longer complained.

This was considered his home now, even though he didn't belong here.

Hyunjin was the source to the said warmth and home..and love which he craved for more than he thought he would.

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