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Jeongin stood by the door, a big hoodie that covered practically his whole body, and the jeans he wore the day he ran away, happy that Hyunjin had been so nice to wash them for him. He had his dirty Nike shoes on, as he stood supported mainly on one leg. He didn't really tell Hyunjin anything about his ankle injury and how he slipped back then in the shower, he kept quiet to not burden him. And he didn't need the chance to come out and be surrounded by people, to be ruined by the dumbest injury in the world, so he kept quiet and held all the pain inside of him to not show how physically scarred he felt.

But he gotta admit, this whole place was weird. He swore he kept seeing weird animals, and odd things flying around. And when they reached further into the town, it really made sense for him that this wasn't a normal place.

People were drinking red, blue and green liquor, that seemed like it was toxic. Some were dancing and having fun, which wasn't as odd as drinking very colorful and bubbly drinks. Not to say that what he eventually heard people talk about, was weird too. He swore he heard the word vampire and werewolves, slip out of their mouths.

Maybe Hyunjin wasn't just some crazy witch boy after all.

"Wait Hyunjin are you actually serious? Your a fucking witch?" Jeongin mumbled to him, watching how so many people strolled down the streets, some he swore had fangs.

Hyunjin just shook his head in disbelief, trying to lead the younger further into the crowd with a slight smile on display.

"Even when things sounds directly stupid, I'm always telling the truth" Hyunjin spoke as they found a bench to sit by, giving Jeongin some form of relievement to be able to sit down.

But his mind was still pretty much blown out of proportion, cause everything around him seemed like it was purely a fairytale.

The sky was dark with stars shining brightly above them, the hanging lights from booth to booth held such a cozy aesthetic, as the smell of food lingered in the air. Some people were surrounding the stalls, buying either food or condiments, or just purely objects people had to sell. Others were lost on the dance floor, completely intoxicated by liquor at such an early hour.

"So this place is practically just a fairytale or what?" Jeongin questioned with his brows furrowed.

But he felt even more confused when Hyunjin nodded with a bright smile on display, and he swore he knew that Hyunjin surely enjoyed his confused mindset.

"So if you like kiss a frog, it'll turn into a prince or what?" Jeongin rolled his eyes, still not believing any of this. Scared that he was probably just daydreaming inside that stupid church.

But no this was very much real. It was real that people had fangs, that there was a flying cat that just flew past him.

"Okay no, but pretty much everything out here is possible. Magic doesn't happen within ten seconds, it takes time to manifest it, or for spells to work. People here are either fairies, wolves or vampires, even other kinds of hybrids belong here" Hyunjin explanation, pointing at different people that stood all over the place.

"And witches?" Jeongin questioned.

"Actually I'm one of the very few witches that is willing to live so closely to the town..most of us mainly keeps to living in a small house far enough away from anything social, but I like this place, and it's easier for people to come to me when they need help" Hyunjin spoke, taking notice by how Jeongin's eyes shined as looked around to place.

"Don't you have family to visit?" Jeongin questioned, knowing that he didn't have a kind of family you would be delighted to visit.

It was really something that took up a lot of confidence, and now that he was far away from them, he felt free..but still held back from what he learned from them, he felt stuck on that page, like he couldn't move his eyes away from the words written down on it.

"Most of witches are solitary. Usually there's only one witch per town. So we're pretty much scattered all over the place, and as I said before, many actually choose to live completely distanced from everyone. So when we grow up to around mid teens, either we'll leave our family, or we'd get abandoned by them" Hyunjin explained, seeming abnormally happy about that.

Who would be happy to be abandoned by their family? Like even though Jeongin despised his family he still felt awful.

"Don't you feel awful though?" He questioned again.

"No, it's a norm here. So it's something we'd get prepared for all life, so we don't grow attachment. It's different when it comes to wolves though, they need their pack to rely on in order to survive, same goes to vampires. But two witches are only meant to be together for the sake of expanding our species" Hyunjin explained again, looking over at Jeongin who still had a noticeable frown on his face.

"So you mate like animals, and then give birth, and then leave everything behind again?".

"Yep pretty much".

I apologise once again for the late update, but I haven't been feeling well mentally recently, so that's the reason behind it.

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