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The next morning Jeongin woke up, feeling slightly dazed as he took in his surroundings. Glad to find himself still in Hyunjin's arms and- oh..a deep red tinted blush crept on his face as he realized what went on beneath the blanket on top of him. He still had the taller inside of him, he had for the whole time he was asleep..it felt weird but good too, like it wasn't something he won't do again..but still surprising to wake up too.

"Hey..Hyunjin?" Jeongin whispered gently as he shook the taller, watching as he stir a tiny bit in his sleep. Jeongin pathetically attempted to wake up the sleeping taller..not wanting to move before Hyunjin woke up.

Which was understandable..he didn't exactly expect to fall asleep with the taller inside of him, but he wasn't exactly complaining.. he just needed a bit of help since he was sore and tired.

"Hyunjin..please wake up" Jeongin begged now, not being able to sit much longer, having to sit still wasn't really that comfortable when he felt the urge to continuesly move.

To his luck, Hyunjin woke up with a frown, wondering why he was being woken so sudden, so he barely got time to process what the younger was talking about. He squished his eyes together as he rubbed them softly, yawning in response.

"What? Can you repeat again?" Hyunjin asked, curiosity hitting him like a rock. He didn't like being awakened, especially since he felt so warm and like he was being softly embraced..so of course he wondered why he had to be waken up like this.

"You..uh..your dick, is uhmm" Jeongin spoke flustered, sighing as he looked away for a second.

"My what now?" Hyunjin spoke surprised that Jeongin was hinting to an obviously private part of him. That was until he looked beneath the sheets, widening his eyes as he saw he indeed was still inside the younger..he threw his head back as he laugh in disbelief. Shaking his head as he looked at Jeongin who was definitely flustered.

Hyunjin held onto Jeongin's hips firmly, as he looked at him for a second before he nodded, lifting Jeongin's body up so he could pull out of the younger. A small gasp left Jeongin's mouth at the said doing. Jeongin immediately felt as if he was empty, which was understandable since he had practically been asleep with Hyunjin's dock inside of him the whole night.

"Oh God Jeongin..the things we do together is just crazy" Hyunjin spoke shaking his head at how cutesy Jeongin covered himself up. "Wanna take a shower together? I mean we're pretty much consisting of dried sweat right now" Hyunjin chuckled, noticing the younger's silence..which he chose to not comment on, for obvious reasons.

Jeongin nodded slightly, letting go of the blanket as he let his naked body become full view to Hyunjin again..it was different to show his body now, compared to when he was born or filled with lust..all he knew was that he wanted to shower..and he wanted Hyunjin to accompany him.

Not the proudest of the chapter, but I hope it'll due.

BTW here's a bird that I'm keeping for tonight..two kids at my orphanage brought it in, even though it was fine and healthy..so tomorrow we'll call for help, so this little baby can get back into the nature. Moral of the story, don't bring in wild animals especially baby birds from the nature.

 Moral of the story, don't bring in wild animals especially baby birds from the nature

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