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Jeongin woke up yet another day in the week, eyes puffy and red as he cried the night before..he hated to feel so pathetic to cry over Hyunjin. But he couldn't help it, especially considering that Hyunjin's focus has been on helping Chan's wife, and was constantly stressing himself out too..he had many things to look out for, especially his crafts, which he had put on pause, only for Chan's sake.

All Jeongin wanted was to atleast feel a slight amount of attention on him..that he was desperate, but he felt ignored and pushed away.

He understood it was important for Hyunjin to get it done as fast as possible, but he really couldn't help himself but to hate how focused he was on that..and only that thing. He left baking for a whole four days now, haven't taken proper care of his plants..which let Jeongin to do so for him..and to say, Jeongin couldn't keep up with Hyunjin's work.

Hyunjin has always been a busy person..but these past days has been bad..and it was about time for Jeongin to tell him to stop for a minute and relax.

He stood in the doorway to the living room, watching as Hyunjin sat on the floor. His stuff on the table, as he concentrated on taking notes and crushing herbs. He wasn't liking the fact he wanted to approach, he seemed focused..too focused. And he really didn't want to disturb the taller..but he needed too. For Hyunjin's sake.

"Hyunjin.." Jeongin called out, rubbing his eyes from sleep, as he went to sit on the couch, which Hyunjin was relaxing his body against. He ran his slim fingers through the taller's hair, massaging his scalp..watching as Hyunjin focused on everything in front of him, but not Jeongin. "Don't you think you need to take a break? You've been working without a break for four days now..heck, you barely slept nor ate anything..you can't live off of water and coffee" Jeongin spoke, tapping the taller's shoulder for attention.

"Jeongin please..this is important-".

"I know, but so is your health..you can't just keep working days and nights on this and not expect me to stop you at one point..trust me, I want the best for Chan and his family too..but you need to lay back and relax" He spoke in his ear, massaging his left shoulder with his free hand.

Hyunjin couldn't help but lay his head back in response, loving the gentle feeling of Jeongin's hands on his body.

"But, the herbs-".

"No buts, go to bed and relax..don't you even dare even think about work..calm your mind for once..it doesn't suit you to have such an ugly frown on your face" Jeongin spoke, standing up slowly. He felt miserable himself, but he needed Hyunjin to go to bed, and then eat.

Nothing else mattered to him in that right moment..knowing that Hyunjin needed someone's else's support.

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