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During the evening Jeongin struggled cooking..Hyunjin was fast asleep in his bed, and here stood Jeongin, struggling to find something to cook. Usually Hyunjin was able to take out the simplest and most normal condiments and ingredients needed, and it still tasted amazing..but Jeongin couldn't help but to find the tomatoes and cucumbers extremely unappetizing.

Though, there were noodles in the cabinets..he knew how to cook noodles so he smiled softly as he started looking through everything. He found a small pot which was able to bear atleast two blades of instant noodles in them, while he took out the simplest ingredients.

He didn't know exactly what he was doing, but at home he always survived on cup noodles..this couldn't be much different, right?

Guess he was wrong, he completely screwed it up. The boiling water spilled over, the noodles stuck to the bottom of the pot, as the ingredients floated nicely on top of the water. He sighed defeated. He was hungry and tired, all day his been running around..watering plants in the garden, wiping off leafs on the plants in the living room..dusting of surfaces and brooming the floor. He put the shoes perfectly fine in the entrance, so it was duable to walk by..cleaned the toilet.

And yet here he was, fucking up noodles..the most simplest dish in the world. He took the pot in frustration and poured the boiling water into the sink, and the proceeded to throw out the noodles in the trash can..eventually having the scrub the burned noodles at the bottom of the pot, off.

"Hyunjin..how in the world can you do this everyday" Jeongin questioned, looking inside the living room for a quick moment.

He spotted Hyunjin's work on the coffee table, the only place he did not touch for specified reasons. He didn't want to screw up Hyunjin's hard work, so he let it all sit by itself, without paying attention to it.

With a frown on his face, he entered the bedroom..watching as Hyunjin was still asleep on the bed. He crawled onto it, snuggling into Hyunjin's arms as he decided to go to bed hungry and irritated. But it was fine, he could cuddle up to Hyunjin for comfort..so he didn't mind.

"I envy you..I do..you work so hard..I can't even keep up with small task" Jeongin whispered, pulling the blanket over them both fully, as his eyes dropped close.

"Thank you, Jeongin" Hyunjin spoke out of the blue, tightening his grib around the younger. "Thank you for appreciating my effort..and thanks for attempting to do half of my work for a whole day..and thank you for being able to help me relax..I appreciate it" Hyunjin spoke, burying his head into Jeongin's shoulder. Kissing it softly as his hands rubbed circles on Jeongin's waist.

Jeongin melted at the words, blush tinted his cheeks as he kissed Hyunjin's forehead. Loving the tight feeling of being wrapped up in Hyunjin's arms.

"It's fine, I just missed you a lot" Jeongin smiled, looking directly into Hyunjin's eyes.

"Oh really?" Hyunjin smiled, turning his body around as he let Jeongin straddle him. "I missed you too".

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