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If he had a dime for how many times he had already fallen to the ground, as he limbed through the ginormous forest, he'd be rich by now. But could he really use money for anything? He couldn't even ask for help, aka the simplest thing in the world. But nonetheless, the bruises his gotten by now seemed extreme..the dawn broke out around an hours ago, and the wind was still sufferably cold.

The light from the sun had finally reached the ground underneath the many trees shadowing over it, so he could see more clear now, he could see the many mushroom and bushes filled with berries the further he reached into the path he chose to walk. He felt very confused..cause simply hours ago, he was stuck in the dark cold weather, with rain pouring down on him. But now he was located in a sweet looking place, with flowers, plants bushes filled with colorful berries, and trees containing apples, lemons and oranges.

He felt no familiarity in this place, which was probably hard when he couldn't even take a step without hissing or whimpering, and he looked like someone who probably was attacked by a mountain lion. But nonetheless, the place seemed like it kept someone near..meaning that his hopes that a small town would be around, was starting to rise step by step.

The ground beneath him was still muddy, and he felt lightheaded and dirty, he was thrifty and a tiny bit hungry. But he didn't dare pick any fruits from the bushes.

1: because Hyunjin advised him to never take what wasn't his out here.
2: he didn't even know what kind of fruits nor plants were poisoness.

So he kept his hands away, and focused on scooting further along the small path that trailed quite far..putting his hopes up that there might be a house nearby. Which made adrenaline run through his body, getting hard to keep calm, so he started to scurry closer at a faster pace, desperate for the need of help.

He felt pathetic and stupid..and he may be pathetic and stupid, but he was beyond desperate to see someone, to earn help from someone, he needed all of the help he could get..and he really hoped that if there was a nearby house or town, that someone there would be willing to help him.

So with the new feeling of hope finally forming in the pits of his body, he felt the urge to run, but he was able to do that. He knew that there wasn't long till he'd pass out eventually, and he doesn't know when that'll be, nor if he is actually at the right path. But nonetheless he felt more energized at the hopes of something or someone being there, that he fell directly desperate to go get that help. Hoping that he could somehow make up for all of his mistakes.

But guilt was also formed on those deeps pits of his body, cause he felt undeniably guilty for leaving so impulsively, to leave without warning. And especially leaving someone who clearly didn't deserve such treatment. He felt like a back stabber, he wondered if Hyunjin was seeking after him, he wondered if he actually cared to search for him..he had a feeling that he would be the type of person who would, but he also had a negative feeling that he hasn't even noticed him being gone yet.

Which was of course an odd thought, since the first thing Hyunjin paid attention to was him waking up.

He felt undeniably bad, he just hoped that if he one day passes paths with Hyunjin again, he'd make sure to have a big apology prepared.

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