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"Take a shower..I'll prepare some tea for you" Hyunjin spoke as he guided him towards the bathroom, not knowing what to do to comfort the upset boy. Who willingly followed along.

Jeongin was in deep shock..not because of the argument bit because of the kiss. All he wanted was to feel loved and appreciated for once..he seemed validation due to never receiving it as a child. Hyunjin was the first person he encountered, that was actually willing to keep up his patience for his sake. And the thought of Hyunjin possibly screwing him over made him emotional.

Jeongin opened the door to the bathroom and quickly took the clothes Hyunjin was offering him, a placing in on the toilet seat, placing a towel on top. He didn't really turn to say anything to Hyunjin, he closed the door shut in front of him and locked it afterwards. He stared at himself in the mirror for a good while..seeing how teary his eyes were, how the tear stained cheeks was puffy and red..his lips slightly swollen due to nervously biting them.

His reflection was horrible, he didn't like what he saw. The sight of his body frame stood out too much. He removed his shirt slightly as he traced his fingers over his torso, eyes following the fingertips that went along the soft outline of the soft muscles that had been build around his stomach.

He sighed as he turned away, not wanting to see any of if..no matter how ideal people would say his body was, he couldn't help but to still slightly feel insecure. He stripped of the rest of his clothes as he stood completely naked in front of the shower head, readjusting it to be about his height as he later turned on the faucet.

The water started running out as he stood still, it was cold to begin with but slowly became warmer and more steamy. Jeongin turned his back to the faucet and started grabbing the shampoo that sat nicely on the wall for him to use. He squirted the product onto his hands as the sweet smell of green apple lingered in the bathroom, bringing the said product towards his scalp as he started rubbing it and gently washing it carefully.

Now that he was alone he had the time to let his thoughts come without interruptions. Bringing his mind at peace that he was able to be himself for atleast a bit of time, without having to feel pressure that someone else was watching over his shoulder..this bathroom, was his own little escape from the outside world..and he wanted to keep it that way.

After the long time of rubbing the product around his scalp and hair he decided to rinse, finding the foaming soap annoying as it fell onto his faceas he attempted to wash it out. With the amount of frustration he already felt, he eventually managed to wash the rest of the shampoo out of his hair without having a small meltdown about it.

He took thr rest of the shower at his own pace, not caring if he took too long..he just needed to be for himself a bit, and looking into Hyunjin's deep orbs again, might make him cry.

He still couldn't forget about that kiss. Whenever he thought of it his stomach turned uncomfortably. He hated how empty it felt, and he really wanted to ask if where they are supposedly going..is something that is actually going to happen, and not just a bunch of false hope for the young boy. He wanted a to feel actual comfort and affection, something that comes deep from the heart..and not just something the taller is willing to give just because it might mean nothing to him.

When he finished hr quickly got himself dry and dressed, eyes avoiding the mirror as he didn't really feel like looking at his own reflection anymore. He felt like all he was, is a mistake that keep messing up or screwing people over. But in reality he was so much more than just a cold hearted and rude person..he felt himself slowly gain confidence to talk to Hyunjin, not wanting to take any empty kiss for granted.

He wasn't mad just upset, but he knew that this could've be solved way easier..if he actually communicated.

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