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They slowly arrived to the said territory. After just 1 to maybe 2 hours of walking, they made it. Now was in fact time for both Jeongin and Hyunjin to be aware of their surroundings.

Yes even though Chan promised not to lay a hand on the younger, and asked his fellow packs to not do so too. They never knew if a thirsty vampire would just like to take even the smallest bite. The town was quite cold..people were standing by cafès and other kinds of shops, while Jeongin was busy keeping an eye on then all. He squeezed Hyunjin's hand indicating how tense he were around these creatures, who could take his precious life away while feeding on him.

Some made eye contact and stared at him with red glowing eyes, others didn't pay mind the the known witch walking around with an unknown human boy..but even so, the small percentage of people looking..was enough to make the younger uneasy.

"How long till we get there" Jeongin whispered beneath his breath, hoping Hyunjin could here his words.

"Soon don't worry..I know this place freaks you out..and that's alright, we'll get through it quickly" Hyunjin spoke reassuring the younger was okay, before turning left, down into a much darker and quiet street.

Jeongin switched from squeezing his hand to clinging to his arms. His basket filled with delicious pastries were half eaten, and he really didn't have appetite to eat more pastries, one of which reason was because he was here.

The streetlights were dim, almost out. As their footsteps could be heard again the gravel ground, leaving Jeongin completely focused on that. The win has picked up from previously, as small droplets of rain started hitting their faces.

Though Jeongin couldn't bring himself to mind, he just needed to feel safe. And he hated how unsafe he felt while still clinging to Hyunjin. He wanted warmth, he wanted kisses, he wanted to go home already..but anything for freshly baked pastries seemed to intrigued his mind, which may be something he'd think about twice next time.

"We're almost there..hold on" Hyunjin spoke, his voice came out quiet and irritated. He was probably tired of walking, especially considering the fact that it was about to rain.

Jeongin just nodded, feeling relieved when the shape of a bigger house came into view. Pulling his attention towards the dark house, with very few lights on. That got him thinking, it was so dark here..that he wanted to know what time it was. The trees and towns walls completely covered the burning sun, making it a perfect match for the blood thirsty creatures.

"Is that his home?" Jeongin questioned as he looked up at the big porch, it was rusty and made a horrible sound when Hyunjin moved the said porch open..causing the younger to coverbhis ears.

"Yes..vampires usually aren't that rich..they don't get treated right by our system..so this is one of the best properties owned by a vampire" Hyunjin spoke, closing the rusty porch after Jeongin had entered through it. Smiling gently at him. "Let's get it over with".

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