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Hyunjin woke up to the sudden gut feeling that something wasn't right.

Panic hit his body when he noticed the young boyfriend of his was no longer by his side on the bed. The closet was slightly open which he usually wouldn't keep opened when it wasn't used. He shot up from the bed immediately as he looked around the room, spotting the younger's shirt on the floor..which calmed something inside of him

Maybe he was taking a shower?

Hyunjin thought, running a hand through his head in slight release..seating himself on the bed again as he rubbed his face.

His anxiety for the younger leaving was a 100 out of ten. Jeongin had on short while, started to mean everything to him. He filled up the loneliness in him, the constant self doubt he felt. He was happy with Jeongin. But the conversation the had yesterday broke his heart and made him worry. He couldn't have the younger leaving, it would break his heart.

He sighed heavily as he looked at the spot where Jeongin should be laying right now..a gut telling him something was wrong..but if Jeongin was taking a shower, he didn't feel like disturbing him to do so.

But a white paper block on the bedside table caught his eyes immediately..raising a bit of fear in him again as he picked the object up in his hands. Reading the words as his heart sank.

"Dear Hyunjin..I know I said I didn't want to leave, and I really didn't..but I have to. I can't express my love for you through words, but I can say that you made me so unbelievably happy..to the point I felt at peace and settled down. I know I've been off a lot lately, and it's because I've been thinking about this whole curse thingy. I know that for a fact, that I can't bare the thought of ruining someone I love, life. You don't deserve me..you were the first person I've encountered that welcomed me with warm arms and patience..through our fights and struggles, you've always been there to hold me up..you didn't give me false hope, or lie directly to my face. And I appreciate that. I wanna kiss you so badly and hug till you can't breathe, that's how much you mean to me. I don't want to leave, but I really have too..it's a dick move to leave a letter behind for you to read..but I can't bare leaving when you are watching me go. Please don't give up on hope my baby..cause you brought so much of it onto me..you are in no way at fault here, I am. I took you're hoodie for comfort and a reminder of you, since I won't be able to see you again. I hate how much I love you, cause you genuinely mean the world to me. I wish I could be snuggling in your embrace, with you're soft words whispering into my ears. But by the time you are reading this, I may already be too far away for you to catch up. Please don't go searching for me baby..stay and be happy in peace, be happy with Felix and Chan..heck even his daughter..please seek comfort through your friends..I would hate for you to have your life ruined because of me..but I already know I made a to big impact. I love you Jinnie, I love you..goodbye and let's meet in another life..where no curses would be in our way of love..once again thank you, and once again..I love you♡".

Hyunjin held the paper with shaky hands, his breath hitching as his tears swarmed his eyes. This couldn't be happening right? Jeongin was gone?

He immediately shot up from the bed again and went to the bathroom. He wasn't there, no water running, no Jeonfin. He ran to the kitchen, no Jeongin..the last room he practically charged too, knocking over paintings and vases on his way, but he couldn't care less..no Jeongin was in sight.

"No, no, no, no, no Please God no!" Hyunjin heaved out, the cat on the couch stretching as it woke up from the noise filling the house. The younger's shoes in the hallway was gone, the door unlocked. "No.." by now, he could be flooding his house with tears..his eyes already red and puffy.

He went back to his bedroom to pick up the younger's t-shirt, holding it close to his body as he sniffed it softly..falling to the ground as he clutched it..sobs and loud cries coming from him.

"Jeongin..no, i love you..please.dont leave me" He cried out, agony wrapping around his hard as it seemed push away the now broken pieces.

The pieces that he shared with Jeongin, and him only..the love he trusted no one with. He loved Jeongin..he loved him too much, and he couldn't let him leave. But he knew, that the boy could've have left hours ago..probably already heading towards Seoul.

"I love you.."

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