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Jeongin walked back into the living room, fully dressed in some comfortable black sweats, eyes engraved on the floor as he much rather avoid any form of basic human connection at the moment. Too afraid of himself and how likely he is to fuck everything up.

Sometimes he felt overly sensitive over the stupidest stuff, for an example, simply arguing with someone about the smallest stuff, was enough to make him fear abandonment or neglect..even though the person he would be arguing with, might not be out after hurting him. He was just on guard, and afraid of an outcome no matter what situation.

Perhaps he needed a small break from everything? Again?

"Hey..now, don't feel too upset..I'm not mad, it's normal to argue we'll never learn if we don't argue nor make mistakes..take it easy" Hyunjin spoke as he slowly approached from behind, placing his hand on the younger's shoulder, in attempt to comfort him.

Jeongin started thinking about confrontations. What if he told Hyunjin how he really felt? How would Hyunjin react? Was he just a stupid boy who still had a long way to go and learn in life?

"Drink some tea baby".

That nickname was starting to get to him. He didn't exactly hate it, but it was something the completely made him curious on various stuff. One of which examples were why Hyunjin even called him that.

"Why do you call me that?" He questioned as he raised his head to finally look into those deep brown orbs, and how his eyebrows slowly furrowed a bit, struggling to come with an answer almost immediately.

If he couldn't confront him about the kiss, he could atleast confront him about the nickname. He didn't exactly mind it that much, but it was frustrating to constantly being called baby, or sweetie yet feel so let down at times..was he just a horrible person in general, who has gotten too many chances. Or was he genuinely a boy that only craved for love he was afraid to receive.

"It just feels so right whenever I call you it..it fits nicely on my tongue" Hyunjin spoke with a cheesy smile, not feeling any form of shame at all after the weird statement.

Not that Jeongin complained, it did indeed make his heart flutter just a tiny bit. But he felt like he deserved a huge explanation, even if there wasn't one to give in the first place.

Without responding to the cheesy remark, Jeongin just grabbed the cup of tea as he attempted to down the hot liquid all in one go, eventually regretting as he coughed half of the remaining tea out of his mouth, as he choked on nothing particular..just the sweet flavor of fruit tea.

He felt a pair of arms snake it's way around his waist, one sliding further up to grab his face as he continuesly chocked on the warm feeling in his throat. His eyes were met with Hyunjin's concerned once, afraid that the young boy would eventually loose to much oxygen as his coughing got worst.

"Take some water baby-" Hyunjin attempted in helping, grabbing the mug of water towards the boy's lips. But was startled as the boy grabbed the mug by immense force and gulped it all down in one go, this time avoiding choking on the liquid.

"Stop calling me that" Jeongin spoke, his voice hoarse after the harsh burn of the hot tea that was previously swimming around his throat and burning it as if it's was trying to tear it apart.

Hyunjin was slightly taken aback, but nodded as he brought the boy towards the bedroom. Feeling slightly sorry for causing such and uncomfortable event to just happen, but he felt confused..and hurt? Why hurt? He didn't understand..he felt pushed away, but he was used to that feeling since he was a kid..then why did he feel hurt by it?

"I'm sorry".

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