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"How many months since?" Hyunjin asked.

They were seated in the kitchen now, Chan helped cooking a meal for them to eat as he poured himself a cup of blood. Alia was sleeping soundly on the couch, while Chan's wife was doing god knows what, in her and Chan's room.

"6 months..we haven't had anything sexual going on for 6 months..I'm not mad, I'm just hurt. Sure I have made decisions that haven't been the best, but she cheated..I know it, if she didn't then there wouldn't be growing a baby inside her womb, without me knowing" Chan spoke, upset about the whole situation.

To Jeongin, this seemed to be something Chan has been thinking about a lot, and has needed to talk out with someone. He didn't know Chan on a personal level like Hyunjin did, but knowing that Chan's wife may have gotten pregnant by someone else, hurt even for Jeongin to hear. He couldn't help but to hold Hyunjin's hand, clenching it every now and then.

Sure they aren't meant to be official problem solvers, but Chan seemed like he needed a great friend to talk to, without interruptions. It must be hard to already have a child to begin with..but knowing his wife was expecting another one, that wasn't his..must really have turned something inside of him.

"I thought you two were going strong, how about Alia? Does she know anything going on?" Hyunjin spoke, looking at Chan with worry.

"I really don't hope nor think so. I want to solve this privately with Evelyn first, but I'm not able to since she caught the influenza..I just don't know what to do" Chan sighed rubbing his temple. "I love her, I really do. But I can't be married to someone who isn't true to their words. I don't want to file a divorce, for Alia's sake..But Evelyn has really done something I really can't forgive. I know she may not forgive me neither, but I'm worrying and working my ass of to make her live peacefully..and as long as she can".

Jeongin's blood went cold. He wasn't a big fan of hearing family problems, but he could only feel empathy for Chan, and show as much sympathy as possible..but he really hoped Alia wouldn't grow up with having to constantly move from one parent to the other. She seemed like a sweet innocent child, who couldn't cause much harm.

Chan stood up, excusing himself to the bathroom. Jeongin couldn't look at Hyunjin, he was in deep thought. He didn't know Chan could have such issues with simply having a small family. He sighed, a bit to loudly.

Hyunjin turned his attention to Jeongin about to speak, until Alia ran into the kitchen and sat on the chair, that Chan once sat on.

"Hey Alia" Hyunjin smiled, patting her head gently as he greeted the child.

"Hyunjin..what does it mean when mommy is with a man that is not my Dada?" Alia asked with big eyes, glued to Hyunjin's as a pout softly decorated her face.

Hyunjin froze, his smile faded as thought about an appropriate answer.

"When did it happen sweetie?" Jeongun barged in, looking at the girl's gentle and soft features.

"A month ago or so! Mommy took a young man in, and was kissing him. When I entered she just pushed me away! Mommy have never been so meanie! So I got angry and walked off to play with dolls. But Mommy made a lot of noise, like she was in pain! So when it stopped I heard a big BOOM! And, I..and..I ran and saw mommy on the ground, but no one was near" Alia explained with dramatic  sound effects and hand movements that could create bruises if hit by them.

Jeongin and Hyunjin glanced at each other for a second.

"How about you introduce me to your dolls?" Jeongin smiled, taking Alia with him as he let the young girl guide him away from the big mess.

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