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Adrenaline rushed through Jeongin's veins as all the lights turned off and Hyunjin announcing that he would be going to bed..it gave Jeongin the chance to take his leave much easier when the taller was asleep, and he knew exactly when and when not the man would wake up.

Hyunjin had a regular habit of waking up at 4'O'clock, to go for a walk in the woods and find herbs and perhaps plants to take with him home. So leaving around 2 am was probably to safest option if he wanted to reach far enough away from this place before Hyunjin would wake up..and it was also late enough knowing that Hyunjin was definitely asleep during that hour.

So he waiting, staring at the wooden clock with desperate eyes, watching as each second, minute and hour passed by. The current of 2 hours had already passed, so he slowly went up to just prepare some things in gør his hour, simple things as turning the lock quietly, so he would be able to just walk directly from the house. And that he decided to wear slip on a t-shirt beneath the hoodie he was wearing for warmth, knowing that neither of those clothes belonged to him.

All he wanted was to simply leave, thoughts running through his head as he ate an apple before leaving..hating hiw slowly time passed by.

But yet soon enough, the clock hit ten minutes in 2'O'clock, making him slowly retrieve to the small hallway, as he put on his shoes, before carefully stepping towards the door, and opening it.

The second he stepped outside after closing the door, he was met with the cold find hitting his face, causing him to groan a bit, bitting his inner cheek to not make any form for noise. He felt so bad and guilty leaving like that, but he really had zero hope for his life anymore, and at this point he got tired of staring at that blank spot, that was now covered by an annoying plant, that qas never invited in the first place.

So with a sour expression he walked into the woods, sighing as the dark covered the whole place, making it almost impossible for him to walk anywhere without almost bumping into a stupid tree.

But really at this point it was all for nothing..yes, he had to achieve something, but he was starting to doubt himself so much, that he found it impossible to believe he'd have a future after this. And with how the air seemed to get colder, he knew that sooner or later he'd eventually collapse on the floor again, probably causing this whole situation to repeat..or maybe he'd be found by a pack of wolves that'll gladly share his body.

At this point that sounded better, but he was so determined to atleast see some form of cliff or and end to this forest so he could get the hell away from this stupid mountain. He knew it shouldn't be located too far from the city, because the drive may have been a few hours, but now a whole decade to get there.

But really, he felt like nothing could be better at this point..so he kept walking straight ahead, not caring about the cold, nor his running nose nor that he could possibly be hunted down by a wild animal by now..but he really didn't mind.

Either he'll come away from this mountain alive, or he'll get eaten deep inside one of the forest, that this stupid mountain contained.

And it honestly sounded nice.

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