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Jeongin sighed as laid against the soft mattress of a bed, eyes clenching close as he hated how stubborn the taller were.

Hyunjin had somehow convinced him to sleep in a proper bed for once, he stated he felt bad letting Jeongin sleep on the couch constantly, but Jeongin was still very much against the idea of taking the bed.

First things first. Yes, he knew he said he would stay, but really this house had only room for the maximum of two people, if it were to share a bedroom. The house was indeed small, not that he disliked it, he got around easily..but when it came to sleeping, there wasn't much to do cause up until now and still, Hyunjin has just..sort of been there. Yes he was nice to talk to, to cook with and plug berries and various of fruits and vegetables with, but he still didn't see much, like they were simply college roommates who didn't have any relation other than sharing a home.

Yes Hyunjin was nice to share his own personal home with Jeongin, but Jeongin struggled to understand why he even wanted to stay, he still want to stay but he don't know why.

He hated every bit of it. And the way his breathe got caught in his throat really just showed how bad he really felt. Everything felt surreal, but he loved living in those peaceful moments, like he doesn't need to worry about anything nor anyone.

Before he really knew it, he was crying softly from frustration. He just wanted to understand his own mind for once, but it genuinely was a mess. He had this lost feeling inside of him that made him struggle to adapt to places, so sleeping in a bed he wasn't used to, was still weird even though he have been living under this roof for roughly two if not three months..if he should be honest..he lost count.

"Sorry I'm bugging in like this, but I just need to grab a hai-" Hyunjin walked in, stopping as he let his eyes set on the boy who laid flat down on the soft bed, cheeks soaked with tears as small sobs could be hear.

Hyunjin decided to just approach carefully, finding it easier to not create a mess. "Hey..why are you crying?" He asked further, having zero ideas how to actually comfort the boy.

Sure he was usually empathic or sympathic, but having a crying teenager in his bed..was something different..he didn't like the sight at all, he thought it was horrible. He didn't want the boy to cry, but he couldn't just tell him to stop. So he did his best and asked instead as he brought the boy to his side, letting him wrap his limbs around him if he wanted too.

"Let's not talk please..just not now, anytime but now" Jeongin spoke, not feeling mentally nor physically strong enough to talk yet, he wanted to just stay quiet about it..atleast for a bit of time.

Hyunjin just accepted it as it was, letting the boy let out his emotions on hid shoulder, feeling slightly terrible to leave, so he stayed..and was willing to do so all night if it meant Jeongin would feel better.

To be honest, Hyunjin had zero idea why he felt so attached to the boy. Perhaps the fact that he have been alone practically his whole life, he was honestly tired if being stuck alone..so perhaps Jeongin popping up, did something? He was very positive that Jeongin was a ball of sunshine. He loved his energy, sure he was horribly rude to begin with, but his energy was so unique and different, almost extraordinary to be precise.

So something about that had intrigued Hyunjin, his curious mind taking grasp of the boy..in his opinion, Jeongin was awfully precious to let go..but he knew that attachment shouldn't be grown from only one side, so he kept himself low enough to handle.

It has surprisingly been a good day today.

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