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Jeongin was welcomed with warm caring arms when he retrieved back. As soon as Felix left, Jeongin immediately complained about how horrible everything was, how he was annoyed at Felix for letting him sleep in a God damn fucking shed. And how he felt emotionally departed from something so simple, yet important. Hyunjin found Jeongin's complaining adorable, how his hands swung to curious directions, and the pout on his face when he chuckled.

But of course he showed sympathy for the younger, giving him a small peck on the cheek in the process. All Hyunjin wanted was to take everything slow and smooth. He just hoped that whatever he talked with Chan about was atleast being thought about, and that Chan wouldn't go searching for their new meal.

"You seem tense?" Jeongin spoke as he helped cutting out vegetables for dinner, looking up at Hyunjin with concerned eyes, trying to figure out what was on the taller's mind.

He had completely forgot about Chan, it had happened while he was rambling, and he still didn't even ask into it. He wondered how Chan was in person hoping he'd atleast be less confusing than Felix.

"I know..Chan wanted to come for dinner..but I told him I needed time to talk with you before he even could get 10 miles within you..I'm just trying to pull as much time with you, so we can get everything off our minds for a second" Hyunjin spoke, dumping the cutted vegetables into the boiling soup, the smell intensifying in the process.

Jeongin chewed his cheeks..he knew he'd stumble across that vampire anyways, but he was really undeniably nervous and scared. Chan could have fangs, fangs that could sink into his skin..it made him chew his cheeks rather hard..causing them to bleed.

"But hey, it's going to be alright-".

"No it's not..I don't even belong here in the first place, I just came and sweeping everyone away from me like I owned the place..I love it here, I do, but I don't belong here" Jeongin spoke, shaking his head in denial.

He didn't want to believe it'll all be great..cause whenever great happens, he fuck everything over, and he badly wanted to just punch himself in the face.

"Jeongin, relax..I know, I know..but please don't think like that..if you like it here, you can stay here..don't let the guilt eat you up. Let's forget everything for now, alright? We can do anything you'd like after dinner" Hyunjin spoke, whispering sweet words into his ear as he seated him on the kitchen counter.

Jeongin didn't want Hyunjin to shift away his attention..he got used to his affection, especially knowing how close he got to him after they had sex. It was just that little perfect push to make him finally give in, and now that he has given in, he don't want Hyunjin to look away from him, he just wanted him, and nothing else.

"Do you mean that?" He asked as he looked up at Hyunjin who smile gently at him.

"I mean it" He smiled as he pulled the boy closer to his chest, hugging his tiny body, that fitted so nicely in his arms.

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