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Jeongin had practically lost count of how long his been here. Whenever he looked at the tall wooden clock, eyes always stuck to the barely visible lines on it, sighing as most of the time he realised that those lines were barely even visible, because it was barely even morning yet. He honestly wanted to try to atleast experience the world probably, but he felt so drained of color that seeing a simple person, or atleast aching out here..was enough to drive him indirectly mad.

And he hated that oh so badly..it was purely entertaining to just stare at that stupid white spot, that it honestly became the only form of color he could see.

Maybe he was meant to live in the white world of purely nothing. Maybe white was the true hidden mean shade that took over everything and manipulated other into believing they were good..when in reality it had nothing to deliver.

He broke out of his seemingly non ending trance of thoughts rushing in, as an object was placed to cover that exact spot on the wall..causing the deep frown on his face to lighten as he looked up, spotting Hyunjin carefully turning the pot to it's best side.

The bland was a big leafed plant, extremely big, but also pretty annoying that it had to be placed in that spot.

"What are you doing?" Jeongin questioned, barely any form of emotions found buried in his voice as he spoke, causing Hyunjin to frown a tiny bit himself.

"I've been thinking of covering that stupid empty spot on the wall for a long time now..it was just a big blank space of nothing, I hate looking at it cause it just makes my thoughts run wild" He smiled, as he cut some seemingly weak pieces of the plant before leaving the living room and Jeingin alone to now stare at the green, big leafed plant that was already annoying the hell out of him.

So with an annoyed sigh he went to just stare at it, trying to figure out how that could be any form of way better than the blank spot on the wall before. He genuinely got used to stating at it for hours, letting most of his thoughts come and go..but now staring at that stupid plant..made him feel so annoyed.

But he couldn't just move it away, it wasn't his house, nor was his place to comment on it..so he kept quiet, barely speaking a simple word for the rest of the day..just purely staring through the big leaves onto the white wall, that was finally covered by shades.

It's been far to long on that couch, perhaps a 2 weeks since Hyunjin last checked his foot, and at this point it starting feeling better..not much pain, not much irritating iching from the bandaid..would it be better if he just left? He was in fact in much better condition, he could walk without much pain, so maybe leaving would spare them both some time?

He didn't wanna be a burden anymore, it felt urgent to just leave..but he really didn't want to be stuck there at all, and he remembered Hyunjin saying that this was the deepest you could get inside the mountain..which meant that any way he could possibly choose to walk, would be the way out.

So now, he just laid there..Subconsciously planning his leave..knowing it'll be much better that way.

He also knew that leaving had many risk..there was still wild animals, blood sucking creatures, and that he might not end up at his required destination, but atleastnhe could get away from this place. This whole town felt like a foreign country, he was so different from everyone..so the smallest he could do to not feel like a misfit, was to just take his leave.

He was tired of sitting everyday, doing nothing..it was about time he left.

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