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"You know..you should have told me.." Hyunjin spoke, dapping the cotton pad against the wound that formed on Jeongin's skin, letting it sit for awhile as he brought out bandages.

"That I left?" Jeongin questioned, wondering why he should tell him that he was directly leaving, knowing that Hyunjin would probably stop him from doing so. "You would have prevented me from doing so".

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean.." Hyunjin trailed off looking at Jeongins wound in concern, then back up at the boy. "Please just listen to my advice..I always run after you and you never listen, I just want you to get better..look at you now, laying on my couch once again in a worse state..you could've have died out there" He sighed looking directly into Jeongin's eyes, demeanor changing to rather soft again.

Jeongin felt speechless, he sat up slightly wincing as he stared back into Hyunjin's eyes, as he felt so unbelievably sorry for being such an asshole wanting to apologize for simply still breathing in air through his nose.

"I'm so sorry..I really am, I know it was a stupid idea and I know that I'm nothing but a burden..I really apologize, you always run after me like your my parent, yet we know barely anything about each other..no one has ever given me chances in life other than you, and I've taken all of them for granted. And no one has ever kept up with my attitude before, I usually used it to scare people away, but you stayed and never changed your way of speaking to me..u really don't deserve your kindness" Jeongin spoke as he shook his head, feeling undeniably dizzy as he winced..feeling his wound burn a bit.

"I appreciate the apology, and I'm extremely sorry that I have to be the very first one to give you a chance in life, and I'm glad you realized you shouldn't take them for granted..I only want to help you" Hyunjin spoke, as he kept pressing the sanitary pads onto his skin, creating a burning sensation that made Jeongin squirm a bit. "But you really are stupid for running into the woods like that..seems like you have to wait longer to be able to retrieve back to the nearest city-".

Hyunjin barely got time to finish as he was interrupted, sound becoming a bit too prominent to his ears.

"I may have changed my mind..I really don't think the city would do me any good, I realize that after all this time I only craved to be somewhere I'm familiar with, which made it hard to see that I truly never was happy in the city..I like it here..it's quiet and peaceful, you were right, you just have to get used to it" Jeongin spat out, avoiding eye contact with Hyunjin as he spoke, finding it embarrassing to admit.

"Well, I'm glad you found peace here, I won't have an issue in keeping you..as I said days ago, I like your company a lot, please in the future tell me if you need an impulsive break, we can go anywhere you'd like, just don't go alone" Hyunjin told him, giving a small smile in response before he finished wrapping the bandage around his hips and waist.

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