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The air brushed against Jeongin's face as he sat by a lake, tired for walking hours and hours..he had nothing to be desperate for. He wanted to return back and hug Hyunjin with his whole body weight on him..to kiss his soft plump lips till he couldn't breathe anymore..but he didn't move from the ground where he sat, staring at the lake infront of him with swollen eyes.

Heartbroken was an understatement to how he felt..he was devastated..as if he had just lost his own life. Hyunjin's name repeated in his head over and over again, almost completely immune to crying now.

It was horrible.

He was horrible.

He sniffed the hoodie and inhaled the scent, pretending he was with Hyunjin, leaning against his warm body as they watched the sunrise..but there was no Hyunjin, there was no body to lean on..only the cooling air, that didn't support his back.

"I'm so sorry" He whispered, as he sniffed.

The endless hours of crying had caused an headache, his voice to rasp and crack, and his eyes to look so puffy and swollen.

His hatred towards love increased by a 100%..never was he going to let anyone as near as Hyunjin. He was afraid of himself..he was afraid of his curse.

"Oh darling" the voice of an old woman appeared..causing him to look up at them, only to recognize her immediately.

Something about her aura was comforting, putting him at slight peace.

He knew he was in Ravenclaw..he made it here 2 hours ago..but he couldn't make himself turn to the road that led out the mountain..instead he found this isolated lake, perfect for his painful thoughts.

"You must be in horrible emotional pain right now.." She spoke, sitting beside the young boy as she brought him into her embrace.

It didn't feel as near as Hyunjin's comforting vibe..but he needed comfort, even though it meant to lean on a still considered stranger for support..she came out of nowhere, but he didn't think about that..he only thought about relying his feing onto here for a moment, stopping the painful sobs to escape from his lips.

"It hurts..it hurts so much..I love him, why can't I stay with him, please let me stay with him" Jeongin begged, focusing on the comforting hand running through his hair.

"I know sweetie pie..I know. But everyone is born with a purpose, whether if it's good or bad..they'll take it with them to the grave. You did what you had too..you did the rightest of wrong..you are an incredibly strong boy honey, don't ever doubt that alright?" She shushed him softly rubbing circle so his back..something Hyunjin would do when he wasn't feeling well.

Hyunjin was the only thing on his mind..the only person he could think off.

"When will I find peace? I thought I found it, right there with him, in his house..with his stupid plants and that soft furred cat..when will it happen, please tell me..you said soon, but when is soon" He asked, wanting that final answer to be answered..an answer he didn't receive from her when they met.

"Soon, indeed very soon..you will feel like floating on a cloud in the sky my love..but first you need to endure the pain a bit longer. You've finished your mission honey, you did great, even if it doesn't feel like" she spoke, pulling her comforting hands away from the boy. Who in reality didn't want her to do so.

Her hands were comforting..not Hyunjin's, but comforting.

"I will take my leave now..please think about you're self-worth my darling..I'm glad to be your guardian" she spoke as she stood up..without another word, she walked away, into the woods, where she soon disappeared through the green leaves and trees..leaving the boy alone, with his thought again.

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