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Jeongin stood by the entrance of the kitchen, face dreaded from feeling as he stood supported on one leg. It's been two days since their small argument, and Hyunjin seemed to be avoiding the younger boy for awhile, and Jeongin understood.

Of course no one would be around someone who yelled at them and disrespected them, but he felt grateful for the fact he wasn't just thrown out like he meant nothing to anyone, and was actually still given a chance to heal.

His foot didn't go much better, especially considering the fact he haven't been careful with it. Like yesterday he slipped while taking a shower, probably something he deserved. But it definitely worsen his condition. The worst was the fact that Hyunjin wasn't even there at the time, he was out plugging herbs in the forest.

So he knew nothing about that incident.

After having to lean on the wooden frame for a while, Jeongin spoke up as he decided to take a seat by the small table beside the window.

"Hey..what are you making" Jeongin spoke gently, biting his lips nervously as he glanced at what Hyunjin was making.

The taller turned around in shock at the unusual calm tone, eyes narrowing as he looked at Jeongin for a brief second before turning around, to go back focusing on whatever he was making.

"A pie..the town is having a small festival, not exactly the ones you would consider for kids.." he spoke, not looking back at the younger boy once.

And Jeongin definitely knew why.

"I came to apologise..I know I was very, very rude, I'm just not good at accepting help from other people..so I apologise for my bad behaviour.." Jeongin spoke as he clenched his eyes closed, feeling slightly more heart warming after the apology, but it was now up to Hyunjin whether he wants to accept that apology.

"I appreciate the effort..I'm sensing a different type of aura around you with this apology than the others you've been giving out..can I ask why?" Hyunjin spoke, finally glancing at him once with a slight smile.

How could someone be so accepting? How could he just shrug and say it's fine. Jeingin did not know why his apology seemed different, perhaps it was because this time he really meant it?

"I believe I hate apologising for my mistakes" Jeongin chuckled slightly, watching as Hyunjin covered the pie with small stripes.

"Well I'm glad you sucked it up. Maybe you wouldn't have to apologise constantly if you learned how to be more open, and less rude" Hyunjin spoke, turning around after putting the pie in the oven.

"Maybe..but again, I sorry, I should've had known better than to lash out on you" Jeongin spoke as he fiddled with his hands.

Hyunjin just shook his head with a smile, before turning around to look at the clock.

"How about you join me for the festival later today? It's a nice and cozy place to hangout and get to know people" Hyunjin proposed, the idea seemed pretty nice, bit it threw Jeongin off a bit.

"I thought it wasn't for kids? I'm still only 17?" Jeongin commented with his brows furrowed together.

"It's not that adult like, then I wouldn't go myself. But adult like in people will be drinking, and dancing, there would be food stalls to try out, spicy food competitions, nothing more than that, kids usually sleep early here, which is why we consider it a non kid-friendly enviroment" Hyunjin smiled.

Jeongin thought about it, after all these days being locked up in this house because of his injury, he definitely felt the need to take a small leave, and maybe leaving together with Hyunjin would be fun, and he may perhaps get the chance to know him more.

"That would be nice" Jeongin smiled as he nodded his head slightest.

Atleast he got to do something sort of fun here..right?

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