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Jeongin sat on the small pair of stairs, eyes looking forward as he ignored the person beside him, who attempted to pull him inside, hating how cold the nights still were compared to it being spring.

"You know..the way you acted was immature.." He spoke up quietly, seeing if he could succeed in getting an reaction from the younger, who only pulled his legs closer to himself

"You could just explain it to me..your immature too.." Jeongin responded with a sigh, shaking as the cold breeze stroke by his body, causing multiples shivers to go down his spine.

Hyunjin sighed as he looked at the younger, he supposed that he was right. He understood that Jeongin deeply wanted to know whatever the Rosemary was about, especially after what both he and Felix had talked about at the cafè. So he guessed he did seem sort of immature by denying telling Jeongin, but he didn't wanna sound aggressive while speaking, and he definitely weren't the type to do so.

"I do apologize for that..but you also need to understand that I also need the time and space some times, and it can be hard for me to communicate with others when I've already been pressured enough earlier today..so it'll make me more than happy if we could just agree to talk tomorrow, and go to bed" Hyunjin spoke as he sat with his arms hugging his own body, slightly shaking at the freezing cold wind that kept picking up.

"I just wanted to know..I wasn't interested at all till you said something about history should never repeat itself. So I just wanted to know..I got curious, but I felt pushed away and I don't like that feeling at all" Jeongin commented, eyes dropping to the taller's hands that grabbed the small wooden staircase.

"Can we atleast go inside then..your gonna get sick, and I don't want that happening to you" Hyunjin spoke, his tired voice seeping through.

"No.." Jeongin spoke, looking up at the sky as he felt Hyunjin's body heave up and down beside him.

It was freezing cold during today's night, which made no sense since it was the middle of spring, even the petals of the many flowers seemed the stiffen the slightest bit, not used to the cold breeze during this season. His eyes landed on Jeongin, who was completely mesmerized in the stars, eyes traveling around the many stars, cutting out different shapes and pictures, his mind seems to be raising quite a lot but Hyunjin was to far away to speak.

Jeongin's head was indeed a mess, he was tired and exhausted. He felt so insecure for no damn reason, he felt as if the argument was stupid and immature, and very pathetic in his opinion. And he feared that Hyunjin could possibly hate him. He was indeed insecure, but he felt pathetic and stupid for feeling so..he wanted to just sit and think, unable to actually do something..just sit there and enjoy the silence, to let his stupid head run places to find inner peace.

But nothing seemed to pull his thoughts further away from how stupid and idiotic he felt, he felt tired and useless. His body felt like it was on fire, his eyes clenching close as his vision blurred away the stars. Nothing was peaceful, it was torture, it was hell, it was pure chaos in his head, mind running on a treadmill, not going anywhere but the same place. Fuck, he hated it, he hated it a lot.

"Jeongin please? It's cold, I don't wanna leave you out here" Hyunjin spoke, hand touching the younger's shoulder, but all he did was flinch and move further away.

His breathing became unstable and he honestly didn't know why, he hated how he felt everything caving in, he hated feeling so fucking pathetic, he hated seeming weak..he hated this feeling that turned in his stomach. He felt as if he had no business feeling so stupidly heartbroken by the smallest fucking argument. But he couldn't help it.

It was his first time having someone so understanding next to him..Hyunjin was perfect, but not that he envied him, he just wondered how the fuck he could be so peaceful and kind? And why the fuck he had to be so good at everything he does.

He admired him.

A few minutes passed before he felt a warm blanket being wrapped around his body, locking the warmth inside of him, as his pale skin soon got the nice warm color back again.

"You so stupidly stubborn" Hyunjin sighed with a smile as he seated himself closer from behind, wrapping g his arms around Jeongin's bust, and laying his head on his shoulder. "Complain to me baby".

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