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Jeongin woke up, hissing as he felt pain throughout his whole body, but was left to feel confuse yet again. Because for the 3rd time of being on this stupid mountain, Jeongin has woken up I somebody's house, but he was too tired to look around. He could feel the pain in his body, hissing as he clenched his eyes close. He really didn't want to imagine being further away from reaching Hyunjin, sure he knew his intentions was always to eventually leave, but at this point he knew that all he really could rely on was Hyunjin, and he was certainly also the only one offering that help.

With a sigh he opened his eyes, getting slightly used to always wake up random places..but this to be exact, made his heart sink in shock. Eyes scanning his surroundings in a hurry as he sat up in an instant. This place was way to noticeable to be true, this was the room he for the very first time saw Hyunjin.

He felt happy yet nausea, he was ready to apologize, but he really couldn't believe it..also maybe Hyunjin was mad?

Or perhaps all of this was a fever dream? Perhaps he never left and that this was actually the first time waking up here. He didn't wanna fuck his mind up further, so he decided to just shut up and stand up, biting his inner cheek as pain resolved through his body.

He was weak and tired and in pain every second..but at this point he wanted to see Hyunjin once and for all, so he left the room, eyes big and desperate to search for the taller male. He couldn't be far away, the furthest he could be was the garden. But even so, he still choose to look into the living room, seeing the familiar amount of plants there, and the couch he have slept on multiple times.

He sighed as he didn't see no sight of him, and it was only a matter of seconds before his legs gave up again.

"I just wanna apologize" Jeongin mumbled with a pout, about to turned around, hut something caught him so off guard making him gasp.

"No need too" He could hear Hyunjin answer from behind him, causing him to stumble back in pure shock, loosing his balance as he fell onto his injured hip directly.

He let out a frantic groan, pain evident on his face as he felt himself being lifted up and placed down on a couch in an instant, eyes clenching close as he held onto where it hurted, refusing to let go when Hyunjin attempted to move his hands.

It hurted a lot, a bit too much, and he felt his legs shake in pain as tears fell from his eyes.

"Jeongin, let me see".

"Damnit Hyunjin, I fucking deserved that" He breathed in, letting out a painful cry.

He had never felt worse pain in his whole life, eyes getting teary as he thought more about the unbearable pain.

"Your making it worse alright, move your hand and let me see" Hyunjin spoke, his dominant side seeking through as he was now barking orders at the younger.

"If you have to see that means you have to remove my pants first, so no fucking way" Jeongin grunted, squirming around as he protested against Hyunjin.

"Exactly, now remove your hand and take of your pants before I have to do so, your bleeding a lot".

Painted my room today! Tomorrow I'll be getting furniture for it.

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