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It wasn't an understatement to say that Jeongin felt absolutely terrible the next day. Dread filled his body and his stomach felt heavy with regret, sure he enjoyed last evening. He got the chance to be out, see other people, and to talk freely to Hyunjin without seeming to be a burden.

But there was some cons too. Cause now he was practically ripping his lips apart with his own teeth, just to not make a noise in pain.

In conclusion, his ankle hurted like fucking hell. And the whole night he had gotten through sleepless, tired and annoyed by the fact his ankle wouldn't stop hurting. And at this point he was actually really debating whether to tell Hyunjin or not.

"You look like your in a bad mood?" Hyunjin spoke from quite afar, planting some plants in the garden.

Yes they were located in the garden. A fucking colorful place filled with plants and flowers. Something Jeongin couldn't tolerate right now.

"I don't think I'm in the right mindset to communicate with someone right now" Jeongin spoke, a bit happy he could refuse a conversation from a person.

"That's fine, just tell me if you need help with something" Hyunjin spoke, deciding not to pull more words our, cause he just seemed more stressed.

It really made him wonder what was in the boy's mind, he seemed so restless, so boiled up with emotions that he could explode into a fist of anger again. So without without realizing it, Hyunjin just braced himself for that impact, telling himself mentally to not take the boy's words seriously.

"Hasn't it almost been two weeks already? Might aswell be time to check up again, you seem to be walking decently on it" Hyunjin spoke, not wanting to piss the younger off, but he needed to communicate to get through this.

"Yeah and it feels like I'm walking on fucking glass while boiling water is being poured on top of my feet..now how long am I gonna be stuck in this hell?" Jeongin spoke annoyed, really not ready to have a conversation, especially not with his current well being.

"Your supposed to heal though? Did you hurt yourself during the past week or have your injury just gotten worse day by day?" Hyunjin asked concerned, eyes sticking the bandaged foot on the bench.

If he knew better he should have known Jeongin would be the type to stay quiet about that stuff, but he really couldn't blame the kid..all of this most be so confusing after all.

"Just give me a fucking break okay?! As much as you probably want me out of this house I want to leave too! I wanna go back to the city to get my fucking life together..and not be stuck here in a tiny house in a small town with fucked up creatures!" He felt his anger rise, and it slowly became uncontrollable for him to handle.

He couldn't push anyone away, only yell at them to fuck off. He felt so distorted from reality that it was finally getting to his head.

"Jeongin, wanna lay in my bed instead? It's isolated and nicely ventilated in there too" And Hyunjin knew better than to comment back. After yesterday's talk he felt like he got to know more, maybe not to the point they were legit friends, but to the point where he understood the younger better.

But approaching him was simply impossible, he knew that the younger must take a break before apologising.

"I don't fucking care..I just wanna leave this stupid place. I believe non of this is real, your not real, yesterdays people weren't real, this place isn't real. I'm just going insane aren't I?" Jeongin chuckled as he shook his head, tears filling up his eyes.

He really hoped it was all just hallucinations, that it was the urge to come in contact with someone that made him believe that such things a witches and fucking fairies exist. Life is not a fucking fairytale to enjoy. He knew it as working hard and still be brought down cause you aren't good enough.

The thought felt heavy one him, and before he knew he was placed down on a soft bed, blanket being put on top of him as he subconsciously rested against the pillow behind him.

He felt like the world was spinning around his head, and he was the one trying to keep up with it, he ran after in desperation for achieving his main goals, to satisfy others, yet no matter what he did, it flew further away from his reach.

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