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"The flowers are white..five petals..never seen that, never knew what it meant" Felix spoke as he sighed, bringing the pot onto the table.

Jeongin told Hyunjin he'd be spending a day or two with Felix, cause they "wanted to have game nights together". In Hyunjin's eyes, he believed the two of them were great friends, two friends that loved to hangout..when in reality it was all horrible and they couldn't wait to depart from each other.

"Can't believe Hyunjin let you do this" Felix spoke, as he secured a rope around the pot, lifting it to test whether it was sustainable for the long walk. Jeongin bit his lips for a second and replied.

"He didn't, he is thinking I'm having a great sleepover at your house" Jeongin spoke with a bitter chuckled..letting Felix shake his head.

They didn't choose to comment further and started dressing for their walk. Felix told Jeongin that they were going to Ravenclaw, the only town in the whole mountain that let to the outside world. Jeongin then knew that it was from there he got lost, he knew it was somewhat a bad idea to go back, but he wanted certain answers, mostly on everything in his life, but he doubted that it was an opportunity.

They left through the front door. Felix holding a basket filled with food that could be kept for a longer period of time, while Jeongin held the Rosemarry pot in his hands.

The Rosemary still had spikes, bigger and more noticeable now. He wondered if it had something to do with him, or if it was something all young Rosemaries had. Nonetheless he didn't care nor worry about the plant, other than keeping it in the pot the whole 4 to 5 hours walk.

"I remembered when Hyunjin tried his first Rosemary..the effect it had on him wasn't big, compared to other witches. The core knew that Hyunjin was different from the previous witches, and therefor didn't cast a big curse on him. But even so, that knight he bathed in a deers blood, hoping to get the curse off of him..till this day, he still doesn't know what the curse it, but he hopes he'd find out, cause he can still feel it in him" Felix spoke, trying to strike a conversation with the boy,.knowing that this would be a long walk, he chose to converse instead of argue for once.

Jeongin took his time to process the words, not replying in an instant as he let the words drive him mad.

What if he was Hyunjin's curse, what if he was the curse that Hyunjin could feel in his blood. He didn't know, but if he was the curse, he'd know for sure that all of his time and effort would be wasted. His intention has never been to bring the older down, but yet he continues to do so.

"Maybe it's a big curse that just hasn't hit him yet?" Jeongin replied, meaning he had read that somewhere.

"Even if it was, it is still not a surprise when finding out who or what the curse is" Felix spoke, eyeing Jeongin with a glare the could burn him alive.

"It's me isn't it..I'm the curse right?" Jeongin muttered pitting his head down as he stared at the plant in his hands, the white flowers so elegantly hanging from the plant.

Felix sighed, looking at the plant too, placing a hand on the younger's shoulder before continuing.

"I'm just saying, I wouldn't be surprised if you were..a curse".

"That's atleast something we could agree on".

Jeongin kept quiet, already giving Felix the satisfaction of degrading his abilities. So he didn't need anymore comments.

And hour into the walk, Felix started rambling about Hyunjin's and Jeongin's relationship again, after finding out that they held intimate moments with each other. It was obvious due to the fresh looking hickies on his skin, but it was none of Felix business, it annoyed him to a point he wanted to jump off a bridge.

"You know, it's not healthy bringing that much amount of attention onto you. Hyunjin is already going to suffer a lot, I care about him Jeongin..I already know you are going to hurt his feelings, stop making it harder for him to get over you. You two aren't a great pair, sure you guys are cute, but not great" Felix spoke again, bringing pure aging to Jeongin's head.

"We've done this for a long time Felix..even before all of this shit hit reality. Okay I get that it isn't good for us..but I'd like to have you try to be in a situation, we're the only.one who loved and appreciated you, was going to be left behind anyways..I know it's going to be bad if we continue, but please, please just stop commenting..cause I really don't want to lose Hyunjin neither" Jeongin spoke, not wanting to be seen as a totally bad guy, even though he already felt like it..and profitably was the bad guy.

But he couldn't help. He grew up through criticism and hatred, a form of abuse that could tear a golden star apart..and Hyunjin was his temporary medicine that made him happy, but a medicine he'd soon have to stop consuming, knowing that he'd overdose if he continue the prescription.

"You don't seem like you love him though..I've never seen you kiss, cuddle or even stare at each other with heart eyes..no need to lie, stop giving my best friend false hope. You don't deserve him" Felux spoke without mercy or second thought, bringing the boy even more down.

Jeongin felt the tear fill his eyes, and this time he didn't hold back. He let them fall, fall for the goodness of sake..

"Felix, shut the fuck up. I've may not have known him as long as you have. But our love isn't empty or fake. Hyunjin found me months ago, unconscious on the ground and decided to help me, u never came willingly. At first I was so damn desperate eto leave, where I left, and you out of all people found me, and helped me get back to Hyunjin, but left me behind. I managed to get back to him again, just wanting to drown in comfort cause I've never received that from anyone else. Hyunjin makes me happy, he really does, but I can't continue to take him in, knowing that I'll ruin him badly..but.im not selfish for wanting to take my time with him, to spend as much time with him, cause in the end I will sure not regret the moment we've shared. So you should take you fucked up words and pack them away".

Jeongin couldn't help but let his tears fall more..Felix once again became quiet, as he let the crying boy towards the town of where the core was located.

In silence they walked, beside each other, but certainly did not seem satisfied with being close with each other.

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