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"Have you've been hiding something?" Jeongin asked as Hyunjin's silence took over the place.

It wasn't because he was guilty, he was actually thinking..he didn't know if he was actually hiding it, considering that he was planning on telling Jeongin the day before..but, with Chan showing up out of nowhere, a lot of things has been said, that seemed to mess up the younger's head.

"Not exactly..well..I've meant to tell you the day before he came, but he now just showed up out of nowhere..I thought it would be better to not say anything before Thursday, so that you wouldn't have to worry and think too much about it..I'm really sorry..I now know that it is such a stupid mistake" Hyunjin spoke shaking his head. Looking at Chan with a slight glare.

Jeongin clenched his one hand into a fist. He was upset that Hyunjin couldn't atleast inform him, but it wasn't exactly because it was his intention not to say anything..he felt comforted that Hyunjin atleast attempted to do the right thing, even though it turned out completely wrong in the end. Yet he knew he wouldn't be able to spit a word, without being mean...so he kept quiet, as he glance to the floor.

"Jeongin, your hand...let me see" Hyunjin spoke, holding his hand out for Jeongin to lay his hand in..so Hyunjin could inspect it, and take care of it as much as he could.

Jeongin stood silent for a few seconds, before laying his wrist in Hyunjin's hand. Letting himself get pulled along with Hyunjin into the living room. Chan silently followed along, giving side glances to Hyunjin, as he seated himself beside Jeongin on the couch.

Jeongin was only focused on his hand and the open wound..he couldn't look Hyunjin in the eyes. Nor did he pay attention to Chan beside him, he really didn't give a fuck that a blood sucking creature was right beside him. He couldn't help but to wince when he felt a soft yet damp cotton pad, come in contact with his injured skin. Taking great care of him, Hyunjin apologized softly whenever he winced..showing as much sympathy as possible.

The thing that surprised the younger was when his non-injured hand was suddenly squeezed softly..causing his attention to shift from Hyunjin to Chan, who now held his hand supportively..while he looked away from both the two males gazes.

"Thank you" Jeongin mumbled, trying his hardest not to be rude or make a stupid statement..he said what he needed to say and shut up his mouth afterwards.

"I'm gonna bandage your hand now, you shouldn't take it off unless I tell you..avoid using your injured arm, it'll not du you any good" Hyunjin spoke sternly, sighing as he stood up. "We don't want a similar accident that happened with your food right?" Hyunjin finished as he glanced at Jeongin, who sat and nodded to each and every single word that spilled from his mouth.

To be honest Jeongin couldn't give a fuck, he hated when rules were directed onto him..and he usually never followed them neither.

Jeongin's free hand was just resting in Chan's grasp. He really didn't mind it, since Chan had big and warm hands..something soothing and comforting like a hug. But he knew that Chan was probably thinking about something else..and that something else just happened to be something he needed Hyunjin's help with.

Hyunjin sighed and turned to Chan..not liking the skinship between Jeongin and the other male, Hyunjin sucked it up and spoke.

"You mention someone in your pack was injured?".

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