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The sky was now completely dark, it was around 2 AM which meant meteor rain was going to begin slowly. He wasn't exactly tired, actually the complete opposite. Hyunjin was easy to thrive conversations with, and he was extremely good at switching subjects. It was hard to believe that the taller used to be quite the loner, so he was surprised by his personal Charming words and looks.

They definitely knew each other better now, Hyunjin got a glimpse of what kind of thoughts were going through Jeongin's head, when they talked about his life in the city again, and how schools thrived there, and even how much he still longed to be there.

Jeongin claimed that he wasn't interested anymore, though Hyunjin swore he could see the urge in his eyes.

"One day, I promise we can make a tour...to go all the way to the nearest city, but you have to be fully healed first, no limps, no whimpers, no whining" Hyunjin pointed strictly at him, getting a small chuckled from Jeongin.

Jeongin's eyes were still fixated on the sky, and how beautiful they looked. It felt so special, yet he had no idea why.

Suddenly out of the blue, pretty asteroids comes shooting through by the atmosphere, all being just as interesting as the others. Hyunjin turned his head to look at the beautiful sight of shooting stars decorating the sky. He loved watching the stars, it was peaceful and calming, just watching this was always a dream come true,
despite him who had already seen plenty of shooting stars.

But something about being there with Jeongin was indeed special, especially judging by how well they got along.

Not to mention how happy he looked when he looked at the sky, eyes wide open as he let the galaxy in his eyes meet the one above them. Everything seemed beautiful at the moment, the sky with the wave of shooting stars as wishes was definitely being spread tonight, Jeongin's shining and amused eyes looking extra ordinary tonight. The way his smile brighten every second whenever he spotted a new star, flying across the sky.

Jeongin was beyond happy, and he looked extra happy. He never thought he'd find peace in looking up at the sky, especially at night, star gazing along either Hyunjin was special, somehow calming and brought out the happy emotions from deep inside of him.

Never have Jeongin ever thought he'd be able to find peace in such judgemental world, but sitting here, late at night while gazing at the sky, made everything much better..even if it was just for a moment.

And even though that this moment seemed extra special, it was still Jeongin's first time trying this, but it definitely wasn't the last. He had never thought such things as stats would have a meaning, especially knowing that it was practically impossible to see them back in the city, all the lights disrupted that vision. But now and here, everything was so clear, the sky is so undeniably beautiful tonight, and knowing that this may be something he only would be able to experience with his eyes from now on, made him feel a form of euphoria.

"It's so pretty" Jeongin whispered beanth his breath, not paying attention to Hyunjin.

Hyunjin though, was rather focused on the younger than the sky. He have seen that plenty of times, so seeing another star shine for once seemed more important to him than anything else.

"It indeed is" He responded eyes totally fixated on the younger boy, who had no idea what was going on inside Hyunjin's head.

His head screamed and yelled at him, both positive and negative things. Such as "just kiss him" and "No your stupid, don't ruin the moment" and many more that was even more provocative.

He wondered why he even wanted to kiss him, why he wanted to hold him close, on his lap where she could rest. Why..why did he want to? Would he scare the younger away permanently, he couldn't risk that. His mind was stuck in one place, and so was his eyes.

Jeongin turned his head to look at the taller, about to thank him from the amazing experience. But when he looked at him, shock appeared on his face when he noticed the short distance between them, and how Hyunjin's eyes never seemed to leave him, not even a tiny bit.

"H-hyunjin..what are you doing?" Jeongin asked, unsure and nervous as to what the next move could possibly be. His breath got caught in his throat when Hyunjin opened his mouth to speak, the tension was heavy between them, and Jeongin didn't really know what to do with himself anymore.

"I'm just looking..at the brightest star in the universe" Hyunjin mumbled softly, loud enough for him to hear, sending the younger into further shock.

Jeongin felt flattered..if not happy to be called a star, but he was also behind confused..he didn't know where nor how to put his feelings, the pressure getting heavy but so did the tension.

He wanted this to end, he wanted to feel the taller..even if it was for a second, his mind went back to the night they cuddled, how well caring his was, the hand on his waist or hips, he wanted to feel that again..he wanted to be held.

"Can I kiss you?".


Also take a look at this adorable red panda I saw in zoo the other day!

Also take a look at this adorable red panda I saw in zoo the other day!

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