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"It's not much, but it's only one night" Felix spoke, after placing the fifth blanket on the white painted wooden bench. Two pillows for support and even a small teddy bear for comfort.

Jeongin looked at the bench, he didn't mind it..It wasn't that broad but he could easily fit there, it wasn't long neither so he had to curl himself up a bit. But he didn't complain, he learned to do better than to complain. He stood by his previous words, he stayed to become a better version of himself, to not be a disappointment. So he accepted the kindness Felix could give.

He was located in the small shed Felix had outside his house, to store most of his gardening stuff, and pet food? He chuckled remembering all the animals running around the floor in Felix's house, the first time he was there.

"Uhm..fairies doesn't like humans..or well doesn't thrive with them, you're a cool guy..but don't speak a word nor shoe yourself to anyone here, unless I'm by you side" Felix spoke, his wings flapping a tiny but as he spoke.

"Thank you" Jeongin spoke, though he was still confused as to what the whole situated was about in general.

He wanted to ask badly, but he decided to save that to tomorrow, after he woke up and got out of this tiny shed. It was moist in here. He couldn't help but to actually miss Hyunjin, his strong arms, and sweet charming words. He only got told that Hyunjin would speak to that vampire guy about him, and how he wasn't a meal, or feast for his people..that he was off limits. He hoped it went well, Hyunjin said it could go two ways with Chan..he would understand and keeps his fangs for himself..or he would go hunting after him, knowing that a human being was stuck up on this mountain, to tame hundreds years of thirst.

But right now, that didn't matter. What mattered was to get through the night, on a horribly hard bench in a shed that belonged to Felix. He didn't like to rely on anyone else than Hyunjin, he needed the comfort of relying on him..to relax and settle down close to him..but he wasn't even near that here. He had to rely on Felix for shelter, for food, yet even comfort.

Felix was fun, he was a great friend..but also never had much to give. He kept many things off limits, held his strictness. But he was such a young soul too, maybe a bit too perfectionistic. A bit too complicated to understand at first. He just hoped nothing bad happened while staying in the shed tonight.

Jeongin was never explained much about vampires..only stuff like, it was hunting season, or areas that were off limits to even step even the smallest cm into, without getting involved with the pure evil. But maybe that was just dramatic wordings? Maybe Chan wasn't bad at all? Maybe he was actually a nice man? But he couldn't judge the book without seeing it first..without getting to at least read it's resumè first.

Felix made sure his was fully settled before leaving the shed. Jeongin watched Felix wal away from the dirty window, watching his body dissappear into the warmth of his own home.

He missed that. The opportunity to go home, slamming the doors behind him after school, having his mother scold him to behave. He remembered during the winter, how he almost ran home due to freezing. He somehow missed that nostalgic feeling and memory that came along, he missed the day before the end of school..and the first school day too, he missed it all..he started missing the familiarity of his own past..the cold of people's judgement, the harsh words spat in criticism, the constant scolding and abuse that never seem to end.

Though, he missed it..he missed home, he missed his life..the life he wanted to build up himself..but he was happy he met Hyunjin, he just lack the sense of home sometimes..but that's alright..alteast Hyunjin say so.

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