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"You will get your peace soon darling.." was the words that was driving through his head for days. The words were repeated every single minute, causing a frown to bloom on his face. He didn't know what the old lady meant by it..but he assumed it wasn't well, considering the tone in her voice. She sounded apologetic, frightened..almost..like she was taken aback immediately after mentioning it.

Now that he knew he was Hyunjin curse, he felt horrible day and night. With the amount of self-conscious thoughts he had in his mind, he became scurried away from reality. The fact that he was just a curse to Hyunjin..hurt him..he was born a curse..no wonder everything in his life was horrible. He wanted to cry, but he didn't feel like he deserved too..crying made him feel pathetic and stupid..he was the evil one right? He was going to leave and break Hyunjin forever. He was going to go back to reality and face the consequences he made.

He couldn't believe he could ruin such an innocent man..but he was born to do it..right? He was born to fuck the latter up so much..he might not feel anything again. It frustrated him, he didn't know he was able to do such cruel things.

The thorns, the flowers, the petals, the stupid fucking Rosemary..gave him the answer he needed..yet he was not satisfied at all, he was even more confused now..not knowing what to do..he couldn't do such horrible things, but he had to right? It was fate after all.

"Baby..are you okay? You seemed to isolate yourself again" Hyunjin appeared, making the boy freeze slightly. He felt a warm hand on his waist, pulling him out of bed and into a warm embrace on the floor. The ends of Hyunjin's hair was tickling his forehead, but he didn't move..he didn't want to lose this comfort. He looked up with teary eyes, but held what felt like waterfall about to fall out of his eyes back..not thinking he deserved to cry.

"Awe sweetie..why so sad hm? You can complain" Hyunjin reassured holding the boy close to his chest to let him listen to his heartbeat..hoping it calmed his tense body down.

Jeongin couldn't help but to look out the window, there he saw a pretty white butterfly..like the one he saw months ago. It was bigger and further away, but it shined in the sun. He wanted to be like the butterfly, not a single care in the world.

He wanted to complain, but it felt wrong..but in the other end, he was the wrong itself..so complaining as not be that bad right? Maybe he could complain carefully, to not spill to much.

"I'm scared that I will lose you..Hyunjin, I don't wanna lose you" Jeongin cried out, letting his guilty tears fall as the ought to be.

"Baby, I'm not going anywhere..I'm here, right now, holding you in my arms..I will not let go of you" Hyunjin smiled, kissing the boy's head gently.

Jeongin wanted to mention the Rosemary..he really wanted too..he wanted to bring the older the full truth but couldn't, so he stuck to some small parts of the truth..hiding them behind insecurities and fear, hoping that'll cover it up.

"W-what will happen if I went to the Rosemary? Will it help me..please give me answers" Jeongin spoke, already regretting his words.

Hyunjin froze slightly, holding the boy up, so he could sit face to face with him..looking at him with a frown as he seemed to be thinking deeply.

"Jeongin, you didn't got to the Rosemaey did you?" Hyunjin asked, looking at the boy with serious eyes as he hoped his assumption would be declined.

But the silence from the younger spoke loudly, it screamed and yelled to the point Hyuniin could feel his heart stop, and then drop..he let out a shaky breath before speaking, in small and quiet words.

"You did..didn't you? You went to the Rosemary without me knowing right?" Hyunjin spoke in a betrayed tone..Jeongin wanted to pour out more tears, but none seemed to be left..so he sobbed softly and laid his head against the edge of the bed.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry okay? Felix said that he would take me since I was unsure and everything..I was scared about the crippling feelings inside of me would take a turn for the worse..i- I, I promise Hyunjin, I had no other choice i-".

"You could've had come to me Jeongin!..no way that lady could've had helped you..her answers should not determine anything..for an example, she said I would get cursed..I have no curse yet to come, please don't believe that crazy woman" Hyunjin spoke, very serious and scolding.

Jeongin cried harder. He hated that Hyunjin was so oblivious. He was his fucking curse, how couldn't the taller see that, he shook his head as he felt a pending begin to form.

"I just don't want to lose you..please don't leave my sight, I beg you" Jeongjn begged as he held onto Hyunjin's arm who sat with a stone cold face, not knowing how to feel.

"I'm not going to leave..but I feel betrayed and disappointed in you..".

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