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With the unsuccessful attempt in finding the missing boy from his couch, Hyunjin had to accept and retrieve back for the night. Jeongin could've have reach far depending of which direction he chose to walk in, but neither the vampires nor the werewolves have seen anything to the now missing boy, but he managed to make a deal with them that if they do run into him, to atleast notify him first. But even so, he just couldn't help but to be anxious.

He honestly believed their bond got a bit better, sure not to the point they were friends, but to the point were Jeongin had easier in opening up and trusting Hyunjin with things he was rather careful about before. So it surely came as a surprise for him that the younger just left. Sure he was upset too, he really had better hopes for the boy, but then again he was dealing with someone who was prone to neglect in the past.

Of course the smallest thing could scare him away. But he felt awful that it was him that scared him away. He knew he probably gave the boy quite to many chances in life, but he honestly believed that the boy just needed a push, but that was probably blown out of proportions.

He didn't like having to retrieve back, but if Jeongin had already made it far it enough, he knew that the sad reality was that he couldn't go after him. And with the lack of control over the situation, he honestly felt hopeless. He wanted to contact the fairies too, only incase he actually chose to walk south, but the possibility in Jeongin walking that way was very slim, cause that'll mean he had to already walk a specific road to get there. And the chances of him walking that exact road was very slim, which was why Hyunjin did not contact them immediately.

He just hoped he kept his way out of people's territory, but then again, Hyunjin found him inside his own territory, so it was very unlikely that Jeongin would keep that in mind. And it honestly passed him off.

Was this really how things were going to go? Did he just leave like nothing. Hyunjin didn't know why, but he felt quite lonely..he never felt lonely usually, so it was weird that he suddenly felt so empty.

Perhaps he got used to the boy's presence, but then yet again, his kind wasn't the type ro grow attached to other people. Did Jeongin really break through all that hard concrete surrounding him? And how to be exact?

He felt stressed out, he felt restless, he could no longer sit still. So with giving it a very last chance, Hyunjin sighed as he retrieved to the woods, walking down the very specific path he was almost a 100% sure that Jeongin did not walk. Feeling the dawn break out as the wind slower down, the rain stopped a few minutes ago, but he was still in fact soaked through.

Never has he ever been so determined to search after someone or something.

Happy Jeongin Day!!

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