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The two sat on the nice red carpet, a basket between them as they stared at the sky, looking at the forming clouds and pointing out pictures from them. They were simply having fun in peace, food not taken out yet, but it was still nice to be outside on such a nice day.

"So, my birthday I actually tomorrow..and I've been wanting to ask you this question since I found you a week ago" Hyunjin spoke, looking back down from the sky, scratching his nape gently.

"Hm? What is it?" Jeongin mumbled, to mesmerized by the beauty of the clouds that formed various of shapes above them.

"Did you ever happen to run into someone named Felix?" Hyunjin asked eyes narrowing at the way Jeongin frowned and looked down some what immediately.

Jeongin of course clearly remembered that guy, and how many animals he had to avoid..but he also remembered just being left in the end of a path, which sort of bothered him a lot.

"Actually, yes I did. That jersey left me alone!" Jeongin complained, groaning at the annoying memory.

"He tends to do that. Fairies are shaky creatures, and they usually don't really leave their territory unless more than one goes at a time. Fairies are the lowest in the 'magical creature kingdom'" Hyunjin quoted, causing Jeongin to chuckle. "They run at the slightest of sound, and they often tends to follow their gut instincts, so when a fairy leaves you alone, it's best to follow them" Hyunjin spoke, earning an surprised sound from Jeongin.

"He gave me a weird compass though, I didn't understand how to use it, so I just walked" Jeongin giggled.

"Well..either way, you shouldn't have left..but we shouldn't be talking about that, you came back and is staying, so I'm happy..but please, leave once again and I'll break of your ankles" Hyunjin spoke with a grin on his face.

He pulled the lid of the basket, pulling out various of fruits and vegetables along with freshly baked pastries.

"Am I in wonderland?" Jeongin gasped at the sight of the delicious pastries, all waiting to be eaten, his mouth running in water.

"No, close enough..we do actually have a rabbit with clocks, but we got vampires" Hyunjin giggled, filling the two cups up with water, still mesmerized by how much Jeongin's perspective changed.

Jeongin just hummed, proceeding to take a big bite out of the strawberry tart, mouth hanging open as the delicious pastry filled his sense up with tons of calories.

"It's been a while huh?" Hyunjin chuckled as he watched how Jeongin opened and closed his eyes by each bite.

"I shouldn't have degraded your baking, gosh what did you do to make this so good?" Jeongin gasped, eating even more pastries in shock.

Hyunjin just admired him, finding it cute how the boy legitimately stuffed his face with cakes like a child. But then yet again, thinking that Jeongin probably didn't have the chance to experience childhood, kinda hurt to think about, so he kept quiet and watched him eat however he wanted too, not feeling the urge to comment on the fact he looked like a starved animal.

"I'm glad you like them, they were originally for a project to include berries into them, like the strawberry tart, it has more condiments, like vanilla and banana mixed with chocolate. It was my favorite one too" Hyunjin exclaimed, explaining further details about his work, and Jeongin found himself get lost listening to all he things Hyunjin had to say.

You could see there indeed was a big change in however Jeongin acted. And he finally seemed to find his peace, which was comforting to see.

"You look so much better when the sun shines at you" Hyunjin commented, pushing the boy's hair a bit back.

"Perhaps I needed it, I've been avoiding it for years" Jeongin giggled, happy he chose to come back, the wise delicious showed him a new side of life.

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