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The atmosphere got calm and quiet and Jeongin took the opportunity to look around. There was almost just as many plants as in Hyunjin's house, though he also noticed a bunch of animals, especially ferrets. They ran around everywhere, and Felix easily avoided them on his way back, holding a package in his arms with a happy grin on his face.

"What's that?" Jeongin spoke curiosity taking over him.

Though he couldn't help but to notice his own behavior, it was rather soft than what Hyunjin had experienced as a first impression, and he did feel a tiny bit guilty for being so kind to someone who helped him the exact same way as Hyunjin did, but he gave him such a bad attitude..he really didn't deserve help nor kindness at all.

"Well, hopefully it's some of the gift I ordered at fairy express down town, my friend is about to turn twenty soon here the 20th March, so I'm glad it came early" Felix spoke filled with happiness lingering in his voice. "He is also from glassglow, perhaps you've seen each other or passed by each other" Felix added unboxing whatever was in the box.

Jeongin frowned at that, he wanted to believe that couldn't be Hyunjin he talked about. But for some reason he got a weird got feeling telling him that Felix may be close to Hyunjin.

He didn't know why, but things seemed to add up. Their vibe was familiar, too familiar, and the way Felix just described that caused Jeongin to rethink even more about it. Maybe if they did know each other..Jeongin could get a chance to see Hyunjin and apologize to him..right?

Or maybe Hyunjin wanted nothing to do with him at all. He really didn't hope so, he wanted to apologize badly.

Or..maybe he could trick Felix into following him back to glassglow. Perhaps centrum, he believed he still remember the way back to Hyunjin house from there.

"Hey uhmm..since your familiar with glassglow..can you perhaps help me get back to centrum..?" Jeongin hesitantly asked, not even sure about it himself.

"Do you think that's a good idea now?? Look at you, you've got bruises everywhere and your dirty and injured, why not wait for some time-".

"No..I really need to get back there, I forgot something very important.." Jeongin spoke, not wanting to be engulfed by another pair of four walls. Even though that this time they were green not white.

Felix looked at him skeptically, eyes scanning his body for a second before sighing.

"Let's pack first though" Felix spoke, head nodding in the direction of another brown door, which opened by itself, causing Jeongin to jump slightly.

Jeongin slowly stood up, supporting himself mainly on the other leg trying to avoid all of the running animals on the floor, and cabinets. He wondered why he even had so many to begun with, perhaps he should save that question for later.

"I have some bandages here, pls roll them around you injured parts, I don't want you to get further injured" Felix spoke, handing him a few bandages to wear, which Jeongin would usually groan in annoyance at..but he decided not too, accepting whatever he was told.

He sat down on one of the part stools by the kitchen islands, amazed by how big this house indeed was as rolled a bandage around his foot, supporting his ankle better. He also bandaged his left wrist, hating to admit that it hurted too much to be true. And wishing he could do something about his shoulder and hip, but chose to ignore thise parts.

He didn't like telling Felix that he knew who Hyunjin was, he had this annoying gut feeling that Hyunjin and Felix knew each other quite well. And he really didn't wanna seem like a burden to anyone, or have Felix contact Hyunjin, he wanted to show up himself.

All he could do was sigh satisfied as they finished up preparing stuff, heading towards what Jeongin assumed was the main entrance with slight hope in his eyes.

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