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The silence filled the kitchen, the two of them didn't dare say a word as they waited patiently for Hyunjin to come back. Chan's hands were pressing onto the younger's wound, it didn't bleed that much anymore, and seemed to be able to be covered with a bandage, but the man wanted Hyunjin to look at it before removing his bands from the boy's fresh wound.

Jeongin could hear the clock ticking from living room, the cat sat by the window in the kitchen and nothing but quiet breathing was heard. It was insufferable.

It wasn't until the sound of a door being unlocked and opened that Jeongin picked up his light head, his vision blurring for a second as he stood up abruptly, looking in the direction of the door. The man let go of the boy's hand, letting the boy greet the older male. He took slow and few steps towards the entrance, looking for the taller to somehow save hid ass with this vampire..his hand hurted like hell, so he was biting his lips to keep in whimpers.

"Hey" Hyunjin greeted as they came face to face with each other, coming to peck the younger's lips. Their lips almost touched when he remembered the man in the kitchen. He shamefully looked away as he cleared his throat as quietly as possible.

"Hyunjin...someone Is in the kitchen.." Jeongin backed away, hiding his hand behind his back, not wanting to spread concern.

Hyunjin frowned and ran his hand through his soaked wet hair, his nose was runny and clothes completely soaked. Hyunjin slipped of his shoes with ease, and clothes the door fully behind him..he looked at Jeongin for a split second, taking steps towards the kitchen.

When he turned by the corner, a familiar figure stood in front of him with a smug smile, planted on his face as he turned fully towards the taller.

"Hey Hyunjin, welcome home" the man spoke, leaning against the door frame as he looked the taller up and down. "Took a bath huh?".

Jeongin could see all the color in Hyunjin's face drain..he stood there fully pale as he looked at the man in front of him. Jeongin was curious, perhaps Hyunjin knew that the man was a vampire? Weren't they friends? If not, how come the vampire get in, in the first place?

"Chan.." the name fell from Hyunjin's mouth, causing Jeongin to slightly widen his eyes in realization. Backing away behind Hyunjin as he know knew, how indeed serious it all was. "It's not Friday? Why are you here" Hyunjin spoke through gritted teeth, grabbing Jeongin's hand. unfortunately it was his injured hand, and didn't yet notice that blood still dropped time to time. But he knew once Hyunjin found out, he'd worry his ass off.

"I know..and i didn't come for meat nor blood..I came because someone in my pack got seriously sick, I need help with them" Chan spoke, standing up as he grabbed Jeongin's hand from Hyunjin's grib, showing it mid-air. "I think this boy, might need your help too" He stated, letting go of the hand, as it dropped slowly to it's rightful place.

"Jeongin your hand-".

"It's not important..what was meant to happen on Friday?".

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