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Those words felt so affectionate..so comforting. Hyunjin indirectly telling Jeongin that he could lash out with his words to him, for the sake of venting felt nice. Hyunjin seemed like a good safe place, and he started to feel at home with him..kind off attached. But he was scared that everything would go down hill, he hoped Hyunjin would love and care for him like he does now..forever.

He wanted to complain, his throat was on fire to spit out words that's been on his mind. He thought of sharing his deepest and arrest memories with Hyunjin, but he was scared it would be too much, he didn't want it to be too much. Maybe he did sort of like Hyunjin? He wasn't sure if it was love, he never really received much of it..but was that going to change?

"Please baby, your words are safe with me..get those awful words out of your mouth, curse, yell, scream if needed too..get your frustration out baby, cause I know it's no longer about that fucking Rosemary...it's something else, please get that off of your mind" Hyunjin spoke, cuddling the younger from behind, the staircase slightly wet beneath them from the previous small rain drops.

Jeongin sniffed as he leaned further into the taller's arms. Eyes closing and as he sighed, body stiff and anxious..he felt ready, he felt so fucking ready to spit out whatever came to his fucking mind.

He wanted to fucking Complain.

"I hate it so much, this fucking pathetic feeling inside of me..the feeling that seems to bore a hole into me whenever I argue with someone..especially you..I don't wanna lose you, I finally found someone who doesn't yell and hit me for dumb reason, to degrade my passion and myself in general..I'm finally at peace, yet I'm a fucking pathetic bitch that screws that shit over!" Jeongin heaved up, complaining as his arms swung to the side, letting anger slip through his precious lips as words were formed in disgusting ways..but it felt so nice afterwards.

It was small yet impactful, Jeongin was sure he could go hours, but he wasn't ready to go to such extends.

"You been through too much baby, come how about I carry you inside and we'll cuddle?" Hyunjin attempted in getting Jeongin along, but he wouldn't butch. "Jeongin please?".

Jeongin sat still, not moving an inch as Hyunjin didn't want to cross his boundaries, so he simply sighed and sat next to him. He didn't know what else to do to get the younger inside, it was starting to get really cold, but Jeongin was too caught up in his found and looking up at the many shining dots of stars, that lighten up the area for them.

"Thank you Jinnie" Jeongin whispered quietly, leaning himself back against the taller again, wanting to feel the soft affection from him. He wanted to stay outside, to stay and spend his time with Hyunjin on simply staring at tiny dots shining above them.

"Your always welcome" He spoke softly, running his long slim fingers against Jeongin's cheeks, letting the boy relax against the touch as he enjoyed the nice feelings of the soft impact on his sensitive skin.

"Am I welcomed for a kiss too?" He spoke, looking up at the taller with shining eyes.

"Of course baby".

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