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Jeongin hummed as he sat in Hyunjin embrace, leaning himself slightly against his chest as his fluffy, and newly washed hair met with his face. The temperatures had increased after the past few weeks of entering the months of spring, and that made beautiful berries and flowers grow outside for them to enjoy either eating or planting, which they were currently doing in peace and quiet.

"And then you twist it slightly, before plugging" Hyunjin spoke, helping Jeongin how to plug strawberries without any flaws.

Yes that was a thing. Jeongin thought it was sort of stupid, but he liked how passionate Hyunjin was about it, so that automatically made Jeongin enjoy learning how to plug berries, even though it shouldn't be that hard to begin with.

Jeongin slowly followed the instructions given, plugging the strawberry successfully without grabbing on the berry too hard. Still thinking it was sort of useless, but it was still adorable how Hyunjin was so incredibly passionate about it, to the point Jeongin couldn't help but to chuckle.

"Why you laughing? It's deeply serious" Hyunjin shook his head, finding the younger's laugh incredibly cute.

"Why? Can't I laugh?!" Jeongin continued to chuckle as it slowly turning to soft giggles when Hyunjin decided to tickle him, causing him to break out into a giant smile.

"Is it still funny hm??" Hyunjin laughed, as Jeongin fell to the ground, his back laying against the vibrant green grass as laugher filled the air.

The bubbly emotions inside of him made everything so joyful, and if Hyunjin should be honest, he was genuinely admiring how happy Jeongin looked and have been recently, like he had found his peace in life after all those problematic moments.

"Your so incredibly beautiful" Hyunjin commented pulling some of Jeongin's longer hairs behind his ears. Smiling at the boy as he didn't hide anything from him, being completely honest with his admiration.

Jeongin felt his world stop for a second with those words spilling from Hyunjin's mouth. His body tensing slightly, yet still manage to feel extremely weak by the gentle touch. Cheeks turning a crimson red as the smile slightly faded from his face, but still kind of visible in a tiny bit of way. Eyes not knowing where to stare as he tried to avoid eye contact so badly, but eventually always found his way back to those beautiful eyes.

He felt how shameless Hyunjin was, and if he had to be honest he never thought Hyunjin would be like that. Never had he thought of a future with Hyunjin other than willingly being allowed to live here rent free. And if he had to be honest all of this was indeed too sudden for him to really process any of, but he loved the affection and attention he received, he was just scared that he would eventually rely on that a bit too much.

"That's cheesy" Jeongin mumbled, feeling Hyunjin get even closer than before.

"Really? You don't like it..your body language does say otherwise though" Hyunjin chuckled having his thumb travel across the younger's lips.

"I've never said I didn't like it" Jeongin responded, earning a small whine from Hyunjin.

"Your not the best person to give compliments too" He said laying back as he pulled the smaller further into his arms.

"I take deeply offense to that".

Fluff, fluff and more fluff. Not my strongest side, but what's a book without a tiny bit fluff.

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