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Days passed by, then weeks..till months started to fly away. 3 more months inside of glassglow, and to say, Jeongin didn't particularly often think about leaving, or that his and Hyunjin relationship was a mess. He actually tended to ignore his problematic thoughts, trying to settle down in the house he so badly couldn't call his own.

Hyunjin made him go on daily walks, complain about feelings bothering him..and started taking time off to make sure Jeongin was fine. By this point it felt like Hyunjin was more of a therapist than a boyfriend. Not that he complained, since they did have sex, kiss and hugs, but Hyunjin was taking authority over helping the you get back up, that Jeongin sometimes forgot about his relationship with the older.

He found out how much he actually did love Hyunjin, and therefore pushed the thoughts of pure evil away from his mind. But nonetheless to say, it sometimes didn't work. It had gotten to a point that showering was filled with dreadfull thoughts, seeping into his brain to fuck up his mood. And Jeongin even sometimes asked Hyunjin to shower with him, since he felt the need of an distraction.

But he also needed a distraction from Hyunjin..the older couldn't always be the only person he had to see everyday. He felt guilty for saying that, but he truly needed a break sometimes.

Which explained perfectly why he and Felix was sitting in a cafè, in the town of abnormal people, going on about their daily lives as he sat in there..looking at them, envious and hatred, but respect hidden somewhere in his feelings too.

"Hyunjin is actually happy now" Felix spoke, as he gently placed the cup of sweetened strawberry milk latte on the wooden coffee table, gaining the attention of the younger whose ears were ready to listen to Felix's words.

"He wasn't happy before?" Jeongin questioned, not knowing whether he should feel appreciated by Felix's words.

"Hyunjin's kind always gets abandoned from a young age, expecting to grow up and be tough..that is why witches are solitaire, they don't expect much from people around them, since they were never given much from a younger age. They are highly sensitive to further abandonment..Hyunjin has been lonely, but.." Felix trailed off, leaving a rather clueless boy behind to think about the words the latter spat.

Jeongin knew that talking with Felix was a big mistake, cause the boy is odd. He will be real sweet to begin with, and genuinely be with. But he has said some things in the past that had got the younger thinking deeply about life in general. But he still chose to listen.

"I don't understand why he chose you. Don't get me wrong..but no magical being should pair themselves with a human or another magical being, it doesn't add up. Now I know your both men, so developing a creature inside of you can go wrong. For an example Chan and his ex wife, she got pregnant while human, and Chan was to big of a pussy to let her die..therefore he chose to transform her into a being she didn't give consent to be" Felix spilled, trying to teach Jeongin the consequences of dating the witch, which he fully listened too.

"I really just don't know what to do".

"You can't do anything now, other than wrong doings. No matter what you choose you can't get out of it in peace. You don't belong here Jeongin, I like you as my friend and I want you to stay too..but no way a human like you can survive in Glassglow. Leaving would break both your hearts, so that is a wrong doing too..I honestly think you need to seek help from the Rosemary, any other advice wouldn't do you good" Felix spoke with brutal honesty burning in his throat.

Jeongin wanted to cry now, this was beyond everything, a stupid idea. He should have never even stayed with the taller, he should have left when his injuries healed, but by now he has definitely been gone for 9 months, 9 long months of pure mental torture. He couldn't take it.

The Rosemary was something Hyunjin didn't want him to go near. So why did he want to go there so bad, was it a bad idea? Would it bring a curse upon him? What more curses would even be available for him at this point? He is lost in hope, that doesn't exist.

"Show me that fucking Rosemary, and I'll tell you one thing..if I get nothing out of this, everyone here is dead to me".

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