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Jeongin couldn't sleep that night. His mind was stuck on what kind of situation he was suddenly been put in. All he remembered was having sex with Hyunjin, then go to a cafè later that afternoon, and then the mention of some vampire gets brought up. And now he is slepping in a shed, in a fairy village..on a fucking bench.

It was indeed a wild day, and he couldn't help but to feel sad that he didn't even spend that much time with Hyunjin, considering that they have just had sex less than 24 hours ago. He wanted to feel validated, he wanted to feel close..he missed the touch of Hyunjin's hand roaming through his body like he owned it.

"Just one night".

He kept whispering that to himself, squirming as he felt the need for more space. His body already ached from laying down that he ended up sitting up.

"This won't do" he mumbled, trying to find his way around the shed. There was no light in there, and it was pitch black outside. So he could barely even make out anything that was beside him, above him, nor beneath him.

He managed to touch a shelf, a tall shelf..and there he started touching the wood of the shelf, trying to figure out whether Felix got something softer to lay on. Perhaps something warmer to pull above his body.

He really hated to complain, but letting him sleep in a goddamn shed..was just brutal in a way? He knew how Felix was as a person, he was genuinely hard to understand. He sighed defeated as he went back to the bench, trying his best to sleep.

He wondered how the talk went, or if they were still talking. Maybe they haven't talked yet. He was impatient, he wanted Hyunjin..he felt like he was missing Jim, but that was too..cringe..he hated being sweet like cotton with the taller, they had sex..they fucked..and now he was sleeping in a shed.

Who wouldn't miss the warmth of somebody's embrace, especially after such intimate moment..he wasn't mad, just sad that he couldn't get what he craved.

He closed his eyes tightly.

"This is not peace and quiet" He chuckled, shaking his head.

He knew the taller tried hard..he indeed did, but he really didn't expect to end his already good day..like this..all good things most come to an end..it's sad but true. It made him think, will him and Hyunjin come to an end? What  if Jeongin returned to the city? What if he chose life there rather than up here..he liked it up here, he was scared that he'll separate from Hyunjin.

He was overthinking everything..kind of sad, but maybe it'll all turn better right? Maybe he wouldn't get to worry about crazy things, like how someone simply looked at him. Maybe he finally got t settled down..there's really no point in overthinking.

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