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The next few days was rather quiet between the two. Jeongin avoided speaking with the taller, and rather stuffed his face in the many books that laid around. The book he held in his hand was probably up until now..one of the most captivating books he have read so far. Maybe it was because he wanted to lock out the outside world so much, that he seemed to drown in that specific book. And the fun thing was, that he actually didn't relate at all to the characters in it, they were completely different from him, opinions, looks, style, just the way of pretty much breathing was so much different from his.

But he still read it, as if he couldn't live without it..even though that if he currently didn't have those issues with Hyunjin, he'd probably wouldn't give a tiny fuck about that stupid book filled with worthless wordings.

Hyunjin on the other hand, allows Jeongin to isolate. He didn't want to pressure the boy, he was scared he would say something dumb. But he wanted to talk too, he wanted to explain, but he could see and feel that Jeongin didn't need any form of communications anytime soon.

It annoyed him a bit, but he learned to accept it. Jeongin was still his old stubborn self after all, and pretty much everyone who ever encountered him, knew how quiet he could get when upset. Not particularly because he had no words to say, he did infact have many hours of words overflowing his mouth to spill..but why waste on people who don't deserve those hours of speech. He preffered staying intimidating and quiet, to a point where you'd probably fear your own shadows.

But even so, later on the evening, Hyunjin felt himself grow impatient and tired of it..he wanted to show Jeongin that he wasn't a person to waist his words on, he was a person to spend his words on..and he wanted Jeongin to know that.

"History never repeats itself...betrayal and war between a stupid plant, and some greedy people...funny how I'm calling my own kind greedy, but aren't we? That why I preffered staying away from the rest..I chose this town cause no witches belonged here. Rosemary is not someone to fuck with. The Rosemary hates my kind, it can smell us..one touch and bad luck is all we'd get, like a stupid curse casted at you for years..the Rosemary has no limits, if it can smell someone who is atleast living with a witch, you'd be cursed.." Hyunjin spoke at the small dinner table, watching how Jeongin looked up from his plate with a frown.

"My kind took too much, left a bunch they didn't need anymore..they just like the thought of owning something powerful, but powerful is dangerous in the wrong hands..and that small group of witches, were the wrong hands..that why we don't stand with another witch, we hate each other cause we believe we're all at fault for what happened, even though it's centuries ago..history are just not meant to repeat itself" Hyunjin spoke, as he took a bite out of the thin pasta, munching on before leaving his fork on the plate. "It can smell who your with, your desires, your thoughts. It can smell how nervous you are, if your inlove, want to fight, or is just genuinely upset..it knows..".

Jeongin looked at him as he let the words get to him, remembering each one of them as if he was going up for an exam.

"What about now?" He mumbled quietly but loud enough for Hyunjin to pick up.

"The Rosemary and witches doesn't blend anymore, and never will..that's why I'm against you going..I only said Felix should bring you cause I was angry..but seriously, on step near it, and curses would be flowing through your veins like it's apart of you" Hyunjin spoke, pointing his fork at Jeongin. "Felix doesn't realize how serious it actually is..but that stupid Rosemary knows what your up too, your question, past, and relationships with people..stay away from it" He warned one last time before leaving the table, not taking care of his plate first..he needed time to think.

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