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"Good afternoon Hyunjin" an old looking man spoke, he wore a fine suit with a classic black and white theme. Jeongin took his time to analyze the man. He wasn't pale, he had normal brown eyes, and definitely seemed to be just a day under fifty-five. He also had prominent wrinkles. He looked pretty much alive, but his voice sounded so tired and exhausted..like something was draining him.

Jeongin looked away from the man, and started to look through the interior of the house. It wasn't bad at all, the blinds was kept down, the lights above them was very yellow toned as candles was lit on the walls. Old wallpaper was slightly peeling, as cracks was sort of prominent in the walls, the floor beneath the creaked by a single foot step..but the place was tidy and nice. Some painted pictures hang on the wall, of which he assumed were vampires, who might be related to Chan.

"This way young men" the man spoke again, disturbing Jeongin's thoughts. The old man started walking down a small hall, which ended up having two doors on either side. The man turned right and so they both followed.

There was a much more clean living room, looking way more new and less abandoned like their hallway. The walls were a soft yellow color, and the couches was white. There was a bunch of dead plants in there, that no one seemed to mind taking care off. The tall white painted wooden clock, stood up against the wall, between two painted family pictures. Which Jeongin assumed was Chan and his small family.

Against another wall was another door, which lead into the kitchen..there sat Chan with what seemed like a newspaper in his hands, busy reading articles.

"Sir..Mr.Hwang has arrived" the man spoke, gaining the attention of the vampire, that immediately placed down the Grey and white news paper.

The old man left immediately once Chan stared at him for only a split second, clearing his throat as he prepared to speak.

"Hwang, I'm glad you kept your promise" Chan spoke, as he hugged the taller male. Chan's hair was messy, he looked somewhat tired, which he didn't want to assume..since Chan wasn't a human after all.

"Where's your wife?" Hyunjin spoke as he let the older male lead the way.

They were stood infront of a staircase, to which lead up to what Jeongin assumed the room where Chan's wife was isolated in. Hyunjin looked at Jeongin for a split second, smiling before speaking.

"You can't tag along..but I'll make sure Chan will take great care of you" Hyunjin spoke as he slowly made his way upstairs. Leaving Jeongin alone with the older vampire to take care of him.

He stood for approximately 2 minutes before Chan put a hand on his shoulder, turning the younger boy around.

"Come let's get you seated in the living room..Alia shall be home soon, our butler will go get her from school now" Chan spoke with a soft grin, pulling the younger with him towards the living room. Where they eventually got seated onto the surprisingly soft couch. "You need anything?" Chan asked, standing up incase he needed to go bring something for the younger.

Jeongin looked down at his basket, still half filled with pastries, before smiling. "A pair of plates?".

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