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It was about 6 pm in the evening, Chan's child Alia has for a long time returned home..the three sat in the living room, Alia on the floor while playing with old dolls, sewed and dirty. While Chan and Jeongin held a simple conversation together. It seemed as if Hyunjin took relatively long to help the vampire's wife, making him wonder what Hyunjin was doing.

He didn't suspect anything, not at all, but his impatient self can't help but grow overly tired of waiting inside the house. He started to miss the house, the garden, heck even the cat. But he sucked it up, sighing heavily in boredom.

"You good?" Chan asked rather concerned, looking at the clearly impatient boy who seemed to be able to run laps, at how slow Hyunjin seemed to be.

"It's taking forever.." Jeongin groaned, causing Chan himself to sigh softly. It did indeed take a while, and Chan knew why.

"She doesn't want to take the medicine...my wife..she's not a pure blooded vampire, we had a fight a few days ago, because she wandered around the house..despite having to stay in isolation. I got pretty upset with her, cause walking around the house when carrying the influenza, she'd put huge risk on me and Alia. She couldn't understand why I got so angry, so told me I couldn't just keep her away from her own child, despite carrying a disease that are highly dangerous for us vampires" Chan spoke, shaking his head  as he looked at Alia, just innocently playing around.

"Isn't that really selfish of her? She puts you and her kid at risk just because she doesn't want to be isolated in one room, till we came with the medicine. Sorry to hear that, but that's a bitch move" Jeongin spoke, not caring when he dropped the curse word out of no where.

"I just wish she could understand..I met her in a bar in Seoul a long time ago, I think back in 2005, we started slowly talking, and then became quite close..we had sex a few times, and years later she became pregnant with Alia Though..I hadn't told her about this part of me..I wanted to tell her when we started dating, but then she became pregnant in 2017..I knew how pregnancies worked when it came to vampires..so I told her, before she would get to surprised" Chab spoke with a sigh, leaning his head back as he gazed at the ceiling instead of Alia.

Jeongin was focused on the little girl on the floor, not really paying any attention to anything but those handmade dolls of her. Making him wonder if they really didn't have any modern version of dolls around these places.

"When a vampire lays in the womb, they grow quickly. Actually in only 3 months, and that's because they grow on remaining blood from the carriers body. Especially in some cases when humans gets pregnant with a vampires child..in which can sometimes result in death, if not aware about what was actually growing inside of them..Alia popped out quite early though, maybe only one month early but you know, that's considered 3 months early for a normal pregnancy.." Chan informed looking at Jeongin.

"Why are you telling me this?" Jeongin spoke, raising a brow as he shifted his attention to Chan.

Chan gulped, looking away from the ceiling as he looked at Jeongin with half opened eyes.

"I turned her when she was pregnant, cause I didn't want her die. We had a fight about it, and I apologized a lot of times..I did for her sake even though she didn't give consent to it, it was stupid but I wasn't ready to risk losing another loved one..she's sick now, very sick..I'm only good at putting her at risk. And a few days ago, when I caught her wandering around the house. She yelled at me and blamed me for everything, telling me it was a mistake to give birth to Alia. I feel bad..I really do" Chan spoke, glancing at Alia to make sure she was okay, but again..she was sitting in her own little world.

"It is your fault..but atleast she should try to understand it. She should be glad she is still alive, your the reason why she is still breathing right now..saying that about her own child is not okay..So why can't she just take the medicine?" Jeongin questioned looking at Chan, showing sympathy for his complicated love life.

"She's pregnant again..she could take the medicine just fine without hurting the baby..but..she doesn't want to because the baby-" Chan stopped, watching as Hyunjin walked into the room with a frown, hands holding the opened bottle of medicine he had spend days on making.

Jeongin looked up too, looking back at Chan, while Hyunjin looked at Chan Atwell, with furrowed brows.

"The baby isn't mine..I know it, cause we haven't had sex for months..".

A slightly messy chapter.

Rosemaryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن