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"Hey" Hyunjin called out, leaning against the door frame to the living room, watching Jeongin sit on the ground with a book in his hands, face completely immersed in it.

They woke up to a peaceful morning, and Hyunjin was baking some bread to when Felix came over for a little talk. Jeongin of course couldn't do much but he was more than happy to listen to whatever Hyunjin had to say.

"Wanna take a break from stuffing your face in that book, and go out to pick some berries with me?" Hyunjin spoke, taking of the dirty apron he wore and place it neatly on the couch.

"Your gonna carry me?" Jeongin looked up with big eyes, knowing that the question he asked had a huge effect on what his choice would be.

"Of course, your still limping to much to be ae to walk properly" Hyunjin laughed, letting Jeongin place the book away before lifting the boy up in his arms. "Your getting heavier" Hyunjin commented with a smile.

"Is that a bad thing or??" Jeongin asked looking half offended.

"No it's good, you need it" Hyunjin gave a reassuring smile, making Jeongin feel more light hearted to the previous words. Sure it wasn't his place to comment on that, but it for some reason comforted Jeongin that he pays attention to those kind of things.

He was put down on a small blanket by the long bush Hyunjin had grown in his garden, a bunch of berries waiting to be picked and eaten.

Jeongin smiled as the taller handed him a bucket, as he slowly started picking the berries off the bush, eating a few now and then. The sun seemed to shine brightly on them once again today, and Jeongin loved how kissed he felt by the sun.

"Hyunjin?" Jeongin called out, picking off a few strawberries.


"When you were a kid..how was it like?" Jeongin asked, looking at the taller for a split second before focusing on plucking the berries off of the trees.

"Well..I remember having to be taught something everyday, for hours and if I didn't get that right, I would be yelled at..mainly because witches wants to expand their own kind, but we aren't happy for our own kind neither. It's weird to put it, cause none of the things I say right now makes sense" Hyunjin awkwardly laughed, brushing it off like it was no big deal. "How about you? How was your life as a kid?" He asked, changing the situation a bit.

Jeongin immediately froze at that, remembering the harsh fights his parents used to have..he remembered the unbearably loud yelling and annoying comments being frown at him. He never really got to exit the world of criticism especially knowing he neither none of that criticism to begin with, he was a kid back then after all..just thinking about it made him wonder why he even bother caring about their funerals.

"They..they were quite a thing, they commented a lot on things they shouldn't comment on,band often criticized things that didn't criticism in the first place..they also always fought with each other, but yeah..that happens right?" Jeongin spoke, completely oblivious to the fact that, that wasn't the way to treat a kid.

"So your attitude all along has been from them?" Hyunjin asked frowning as Jeongin nodded his head gently.

"I thought they were my everything back then" Jeongin spoke, picking the last few berries on the bush. "I clearly don't need them anymore".

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