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Not only did he have legit zero idea on how a compass worked, but he also found it difficult to understand why Fix would leave him like that. Before they left he seemed to not be busy at all, so did he leave cause he was actually busy, or did he just wanna leave because he got bored.

To be honest Jeongin didn't understand. But he did look down at the compass, starting to lift his one food to go in the direction of north, eyes narrowing to the metal piece in confusion, hut moved on anyways. He limbed a lot, which was another wonder. Why would he leave when he legitimately was injured?

With a frustrated sigh Jeonging kept walking, having no idea when he'd reach the destination, all he knew was it took long to get to that sunny village, so it definitely take long before he'd reach the centrum.

But he was mainly confused on the part if he had to make a turn or something, but all Felix said was to walk directly ahead. What if he was met with a bush? A wall? Or a bunch of wolves?

Yep now he was a thinking mess, he kept quiet grunting a few times as he started to have to go up hill, what a nice experience knowing he was severely injured. He practically ended up crawling up against the hill, eyes dropping down to his feet as he felt it go numb and the tingly sensation was painful. He hisses as he continued to crawl, looking so pathetic and dramatic, but it really hurted.

He felt so dumb, he really hoped Felix would show him the whole way. He never thought of being turned down that way. It made him angry, not gonna lie, but he had better thing to focus on, and that was to get to the top of this hill. He actually remembered falling down a hill on the way to his "freedom", so it could be a good sign, or a bad sign, cause really his ankle starting hurting severely.

He managed to reach the top in such a slow speed, but felt satisfied as he was met with a somehow familiar place. He didn't know where he have seen this place, but all he knew was that he was ready to rest up against a tree, glad the sun was still up and shining brightly.

He leaned up against the tree as he hissed in pain, letting his food take some rest. He knew it was swollen, he could feel it, and his hip felt worse too. Especially taking the fact that he was sitting on a root into context.

All he felt was pure despair and was he excited to reach his destination, yes he was. And indeed was he afraid of rejection yes. He really hoped Hyunjin would listen, cause he usually does. But he was also very problematic and he owed an apology, a big one. He just wanted some shelter.

He could have stayed with Felix till his foot was atleast better, but that could take months. So he wanted to be with someone he had warmed just the slightest bit up too.

But really for now, all he needed was to rest. Perhaps hope would come sooner than expect?

Feels like this may seem rushed, but yeh- also I'm redoing my room and has to by new furniture! I'm excited.

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