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"Hey..goodmorning" Hyunjin whispered softly against the younger's ear, slowly bringing the boy closer. Jeongin had just woke up and was immediately met with affection, he couldn't help but to smile.

He ended up passing out right after Hyunjin came on him, so he didn't remember anything other than having sex with the taller. He couldn't help but to blush furiously, he remembered how loud he was..how he begged for more. He was sort of embarrassed, but it seemed as if Hyunjin never judged him. And he really appreciated that.

Jeongin turned around, looking at the taller with a smile, happy to wake up beside him.

"I- thank you" Jeongin mumbled, cuddling up against the taller's naked chest. Jeongin couldn't help but to feel his heart flutter. His eyes were dropping close again as the blush tinted his cheeks.

He wasn't sleepy anymore, but relaxing with the taller was just something he didn't want to end. He wanted to sit in that position for eternity.

"You're so cute like this..all cuddly and comfortable" Hyunjin chuckled, looking at the clock on his right. 8:46 AM. They woke up relatively early, especially considering that Jeongin passed out from exhaustion around 4 to 5 AM.

"I'm not cute" Jeongin spoke sternly, turning around to look at the clock himself. He sighed as he cuddled back closer to Hyunjin as he tucked the blanket further up.

Hyunjin chuckled as he caressed his cheek, giving a slight peck to the younger who relaxed at the said given kiss. Jeongin felt a happy emotion stir in him, he was happy to wake up with the taller, happy to have gotten a chance more, happy that he was closer than ever to reach his goal at settling down. He was happy that he left his family to go wander around the town, alone.

"Aren't you hungry? You didn't eat much for dinner yesterday" Hyunjin asked, looking at the younger who clearly just wanted to stay in bed and relax.

"No, I'm tired and exhausted that even eating is a hard task for me right now" Jeongin whined, cuddling impossibly closer to the older.

Hyunjin found that adorable. His closed eyes with his still rosy cheeks, his pout when he slept, it was all too much to handle. He lifted the boy up so that he could rest on him, getting the closeness he was trying to seek. He let the younger hug around his waist, his head resting on his chest. It didn't matter that they were both still naked, Jeongin craved for comfort and Hyunjin didn't mind to take a day, or maybe two off for the younger.

"You're so cute you know that?" Hyunjin whispered, knowing damn well how Jeongin felt about being absolutely babied by him..but he found his reaction even more cute and funnier.

"Shut up!" He whined in response looking up at him with a glare, that Hyunjin couldn't help but to caress his soft cheeks.

"Are you finally going to wake up?".

Small yet somewhat cute chapter.

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