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The conversation earlier had Hyunjin feeling slightly off, but he didn't want that to ruin the mood of his day, and judging by how Jeongin smiled every once in a while, made it obvious that there was nothing to really worry about.

The sound of a knock on the door ached through the house, and the two males could only assume who it was. It was beyond no doubt Felix, but both their curious gazes seemed to stared for a short while before Hyunjin opened the door, a big smile coming onto his face as he greeted the person.

"Hi there Lix" Hyunjin spoke, inviting the boy inside his home and into the living room, were Jeongin was seated on the couch eating a few cookies.

They shared a quick hug before letting Hyunjin take a seat first, scooting closer to Jeongin to leave space for Felix as he got the whole coffee table prepared.

"It's been a while right? I'm glad I came ove- hey aren't you that kid" Felix stopped in his own place, before he fully took a seat, staring the boy up and down in disbelief.

Jeongin felt his throat go a bit dry, his hands felt sudden cold. He didn't know why was happening, but meeting with that boy again seemed...to bring out something, sure he was extremely weak back then and is still now, but he had never imagined actually staying with Hyunjin, even though it was indeed best for him and that he adapted to the place easily, Jeongin still felt like something was missing..perhaps it was all those criticism he was used to receive on a daily basis.

"I-i..yeah that's me" Jeongin gave a small smile before he quickly glanced away, eyes avoiding Felix as he wasn't interested in conversations at the moment.

Sure he didn't want to come of as pessimistic, but he didn't know why he felt sudden dread in his stomach, it just felt so filled up, like a bottle taken in way more than it can handle.

What he was surprised over though was the soft slim hand intertwining with his, letting their hand rest as they subconsciously held each other. Jeongin's eyes were stuck on their hands, eyes focused on only that, to the point he could almost feel Hyunjin bare veins in his hand, how warm they were and soft, gentle and even careful. They were beautifully slim and a tiny bit tan, his veins are indeed prominent. But his favorite part..his fingers, he loved how slim and long they were, they looked so pretty, and made his hand look small even though he was pretty sure hes hand was bigger.

With having enough of staring at Hyunjin's, Jeongin looked away with a tiny tinted blush on his cheeks, eyes dropping to the sage green carpet underneath his feet on the floor, rubbing his foot slightly against it to feel the warm and soft friction.

"This is so good" Felix exclaimed munching on the piece of break Hyunjin had baked some time prior their little meeting.

"I'm glad you like, Jeongin helped pluck berries out in the garden it was his idea to also include them in the break" Hyunjin spoke, happy to see Felix munching on the bread happily.

Jeongin felt a bit warm to be credited, but at the same time guilty. It was in fact Hyunjin who asked for help, so if he never asked, then he wouldn't have made the bread. Jeongin stopped his thoughts before his mind would become to overwhelming with thoughts that didn't deserve to fill up his space.

"Your creative, lucky you found him, he seems like a boy filled with life" Felix commented, face still completely stuffed with bread.

Though to Jeongin's dismay, he didn't exactly appreciate that comment. He did picture himself as a boy who loved running around, but being given that opportunity as a child was rare. He had to be perfect, his parents forced musical instruments with stupid strings up his face for hours, forcing him to listen to the horrible music of an orchestra every single day. He never got the chance to play soccer, he never got the chance to play tag, he wanted so badly..but the amount of perfection he had to achieve and show, was way more important for his parents, so important to them that they wouldn't even let their own child breathe or have fun.

He hated them so much, but the grieve inside of him hit deep.

I apologize for the late chapter, but things been bad recently.

Also I think the gym hall at our orphanage is attacked by termites, cause me and 2 other girls both have red bumps and it's itching real badly.

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