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Jeongin laid quietly beside Hyunjin, admiring the males features with tears streaming down his eyes. His body heaving uo and down as he cried silently. He needed as much time with the older as possible..he needed to take in his features to never forget them..was it unhealthy? Yes..but it made him feel at peace.

He caressed his face, knowing the taller was a heavy sleeper and in deep sleep. He had already managed to get out of his comforting embrace, which took him a full hour to do so..Mainly because he didn't want to..but it was now or never..and he knew it was bond to happen.

With a tear stained face, he gently picked the taller's lips for a few seconds..knowing it was the final kiss he'd give to him. He sat up and got out of bed. Grabbing a hoodie from the closet beside the bed..knowing it was Hyunjin, he gladly slipped it on, inhaling the scent of his cologne on it, which didn't seem to wear off even if it was washed multiple times. He pulled on a pair of sweatpants, and socks, keeping him warm for the long travel.

He didn't want to go..but he had too..he had to leave in the end..and now was the best opportunity.

He made his way out of the room, making sure he closed the door fully behind him, as he didn't want to wake the taller up. He had already wrote a note and place it on the bedside table, knowing that later when the taller woke up, he'd be heartbroken.

"I love you" He whispered beneath his breath as he finished putting on his shoes..taking a small stroll through the house, to gather up all the places and memories his spend with Hyunjin.

The black cat snoring on the couch that he slept on the first months of staying. The big wooden clock that could be heard ticking from miles away. The crazy amount of plants he looked at one by one, only now seeing their beauty. The kitchen where he baked with Hyunjin, cooked and had genuine fun with him. The bathroom he had crying sessions in, where he took showers with the taller..and where he remembered once slipping due to the newly washed floor.

It all hit him like a truck, but everything must come to an end. And this was sadly it.

He opened the door, looking at the beautiful garden. The stars evident above him. He remembered liking to watch the stars with the taller, to go on walks in the garden. And to simply enjoy his free tin together with Hyunjin, plugging fruits and vegetables.

"I'm gonna miss this" He cried, leaving the male's, that he loved so much, property..making his way into the woods, as he followed along the road Felix and him were walking on towards Ravenclaw.

His hands shaking from the amount of crying and pain in his heart..he didn't want this..but it really had to happen. He would only hurt Hyunjin more. He never got what he wanted in the end anyways. But the love he received from the taller was enough to both satisfy his wishes and needs, but also hurt him the most.

"I promise to get away from this..I do" he spoke to himself, attempting to comfort him, which is somewhat did.

Even if he hated admitting it..he was going to miss Felix, Hyunjin, the cat, plants, house, garden and the town. He was going to miss the temporary happiness and love, the comfort and the shield of protection he had gotten from the older..he was going to miss everything about this abnormal place and people..but either way..he knew getting back to Seoul had to be has biggest priority right now..but it wasn't.

With being to consumed with his own thoughts, and tears not wanting to stop falling..he managed to make his way away from the path, knowing he had to walk south from there.

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